3 October 2015

The Two Things That Got Me Through My Run Today

Hello! How’s it going? I just got back from a mid-distance run. I haven’t been following a training plan so my running has been kinda random lately. It’s good for the soul, but not good for progress. So I’ve devoted my day to finding my next race and a training plan for it. Now let’s talk running and eating…

This morning I woke up bright and early to beat the heat. Vegas woke up early too, he’s not too excited about it though. Or maybe he’s judging me for the place being so messy. Don’t be a judger, Vegas.

cat and running selfie (450x800)

I really should have driven to a flat path to run this morning since my legs were tired. That would have been a lot easier. I feel like when I’m on flatness I can run forever, but the tiniest hill kills me.

long run route orange county blogger (800x450)

long running path orange county (800x450)

Um, in other news… I ate this salad yesterday and took a picture because I have this blog and like food. The TJ’s veggie mix really helps make my salad fancy without a ton of chopping.

salad lunch running blog (800x450)

The Two Things That Got Me Through My Run:

1. Pre-run Spark, O2 Gold and Pumpkin Waffles. Love love love.

pre run drink and food (800x450)

2. Listening to Fast Girl: A Life Spent Running From Madness – I just heard of this book a few days ago and decided to get it via audiobook to listen to while I run. I don’t think listening to books or podcasts is great for fast running, but it is good for long running because you zone out and have a lot of time to get into the story.

fast girl audio book (450x800)


Question: What’s the BEST book you’ve ever read?

I have a feeling I’m going to get through this one fast.

The post The Two Things That Got Me Through My Run Today appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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