30 November 2015

Pile on the Miles Grand Finale

We did it! We piled on thousands of miles and burned millions of calories this month to rock Pile on the Miles 2015!! How do you feel? I’m pretty pumped and want to do another fitness challenge next month too. I like seeing everyone’s updates on social media and I love seeing sweaty selfie updates and views from your runs all across the world.

This morning I went out for 4 miles that turned into 6 miles because I just felt like it. This was how my run looked today…

where i run orange county blog

Here are some of your Pile on the Miles updates via Instagram! Make new friends! Keep encouraging each other!!

@tracoleman99 in IG












pile on the miles 2013

Pile on the Miles last week Giveaway Winner:

The winner this week’s Pile on the Miles $100 Amazon gift card courtesy of Sabra hummus is…

Jeffery who busted out some major mileage this month!!


TIP: Check out #RunEatRepeat or #POTM15 on Instagram and Twitter to connect with other people who love to run and eat.

Question: What are your goals for this week? Anyone down for a December challenge??

The post Pile on the Miles Grand Finale appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Thankful + Changing the Site to Andie Mitchell

Thankful + Changing the Site to Andie Mitchell

Almost six years ago, to the day, I was working in a high rise in Philadelphia, on a movie set with Jack Nicholson, Paul Rudd, and Reese Witherspoon. The job was coming to an end, as film projects always do, and I was happy. Even though I’d enjoyed being a production assistant (as completely unglamorous as that position can be), I was also ready to move in a different direction.

I wanted to share all the food I was making at home, to write about the new relationship I’d made with food, talk with other people about weight loss and balance and what a torturous beast maintenance can be. And I knew that I could do all of that…if I started a blog.

The day I bought the domain canyoustayfordinner.com, the film job I had taken to follow that one in Philly had just abruptly folded, and all of us lost our jobs on the spot. There Daniel and I were, stuck in a lease in Hamden, Connecticut until May. I sat at my computer, and for a gray day in February, felt spring.

I fell hard with food blogging, with the same intensity that makes me free fall into love. I blogged three times a day then. It was insane, absolutely, and so cringe-worthy, yes, but oh I just loved it. I didn’t have brakes I could’ve pumped at that point in my life. And I’m not sure I would’ve used them even if I knew how.

When people (you) started coming to read, it was amazing to me. When I cooked, so did you. When I talked about weight loss, you wrote back. When Daniel and I broke up in 2011, you felt it; I know you did, because you told me so. When I fell off the map, struggled hard in 2012, and re-emerged with a post about crippling depression, you knew, and you had waited, and you were there to say, “I understand. And I love you.” When I gained weight in 2013, gave a Ted Talk, and told you about my shame, you reminded me that you don’t need me to be perfect–a lesson I work on every day of my life. And when I published It Was Me All Along, and worried about sharing so much of myself with millions, you came out in droves with your unbelievable kindness. You make me know, every day, who I’m writing to, and why I’m writing, and what I’m so unbelievably grateful for.

Blogging is not journaling. It’s an attempt at sharing—at starting a conversation. If it were meant to be a diary entry, I’d just jot down my thoughts into the pages of one of the 20 beautiful Rifle Paper Co. notebooks I’ve picked up at Target in the last two years, and stuff it in my nightstand. But no, because you’re here, sometimes listening, and sometimes talking back.

I know I’m past Thanksgiving by a few days, but I’m chronically late and if my mother hasn’t rectified her lateness in nearly 60 years, I have very little hope for myself. But that’s not the point. The point is, I am thankful for you every single day.

Changing to AndieMitchell.com

I changed the site to Andie Mitchell for two reasons: one because I felt like I was outgrowing Can You Stay for Dinner? and it didn’t seem to encompass all the many things I share now—about weight loss, about life, about me. The second reason, and a more obvious one, is that, as an author, none of my books carry that name—my memoir is It Was Me All Along and my cookbook, out this spring, will be Eating in the Middle: A Mostly Wholesome Cookbook. My name is what ties all that I write and create together, and I like that. I feel comfortable moving into that, even though it feels a little…I don’t know, grand, maybe?

All the links out there (on blogs, Pinterest…you name it) will redirect automatically from canyoustayfordinner.com to andiemitchell.com, so don’t worry if you’re still clicking them, or typing the old address into your search bar for a while.

I hope you’re at home here, that you come over regularly, and you feel comfortable enough to chat and share as if you were sitting on my couch (because we eat here, too).

I love you,

The post Thankful + Changing the Site to Andie Mitchell appeared first on Andie Mitchell.

Disaster at the RER Headquarters

Hello! How are you? I am great, but the RER headquarters not-so-much. I had a mini disaster this weekend. But first let’s talk FOOD! I made a scramble with some of the Thanksgiving leftovers. And I made homemade buttermilk biscuits because I had leftover buttermilk and flour. They are so easy to make!

disaster at the rer blog headquarters 3 (800x450)

I felt fancy for a  second. Then, I remembered that I’m living in squalor.

Friday I noticed a little water seeping up from between the planks in the floor. I thought it was a spill. After I dried it the water came back. Oh no. Long story short, it was a cold water leak. All the flooring had to be pulled up. And we moved things around so we could get it all dry.

disaster at the rer blog headquarters 2 (600x800)

Vegas enjoyed the new view.

disaster at the rer blog headquarters 11 (450x800)

Luckily, I live in a condo and the leak was from a pipe and their responsibility. So they sent someone to fix it. A few hours, a big hole and a lot of noise later and it was all fixed!

disaster at the rer blog headquarters 15 (450x800)

The culprit!

disaster at the rer blog headquarters 1 (450x800)

Now I am living with beautiful cement flooring. It’s very industrial sheik.

disaster at the rer blog headquarters (450x800)

To make myself feel better I decided I should make cookies. (Read as: let me eat my feelings and no one gets hurt)

disaster at the rer blog headquarters 7 (800x450)

And I know this is shocking, but every now and then I practice moderation. So, I cut the OG chocolate chip cookie recipe in half.

Except, I messed up the math somewhere and they all smashed together. FAIL!!!

disaster at the rer blog headquarters 6 (800x450)

What do you do after your blog headquarters floods and you make sad cookies?


disaster at the rer blog headquarters 9 (800x450)

Question: What was the BEST thing you did or ate this weekend?

The post Disaster at the RER Headquarters appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

29 November 2015

A Trip to Sweden and a Family Thanksgiving Feast

[PSA: "like" my blog's Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] Another whirlwind couple of weeks. Something tells me it's going to be like this through the holidays. I'm not complaining, I enjoy a bit of intensity and chaos. That is, as long as it's of the fun type and balanced with relaxation and calm too. One of the big things happening here is that I took a

First long run of 10K training

Today, I was scheduled for my first "long run" since August. My last long run was August 9, when I was in Portland. I ran 10 miles while Thomas biked next to me on a hot morning. It was SO HARD! That was before I started losing weight again, and the extra weight combined with the super hot temps made for a very difficult run. My pace was 10:58. I had forgotten to pack my heart rate monitor, which disappoints me now, because I'm curious to know what my heart rate was during that run!

The weekend after that is when my injury flared up again, so I stopped running for six weeks. And meanwhile, I focused on riding my bike and on losing the weight via calorie counting. I started running again on September 28, and I couldn't believe what a huge difference the weight loss made in how I felt! My pace was 9:46 for my first run in six weeks, which really surprised me.

I was so worried about getting injured again that I decided to stick with short distances (2-3 miles at a time). I've been doing that for two months now, and I feel ready to start building my mileage up. I am training to PR a 10K, so my maximum distance for a long run will be just eight miles, which is nice. Today, though, I was scheduled for four.

I feel kind of silly calling four miles a "long run", but technically, that's what it is on my schedule. My target pace for long runs is 9:18-10:35 per mile. It was pretty cold this morning, so I dressed in my Cold Gear tights and a warm long sleeved top. I used to really dread my long runs (probably because they were so, well, LONG), but today, I was looking forward to it. Four miles isn't far, and at an easier pace, it would be pretty enjoyable. I even decided to take my earbuds with me, so I could listen to music with my phone. (I've been doing that for the last few runs for some reason; I hadn't listened to music while running since early 2013, but I thought maybe it would motivate me as I try to build speed).

As soon as I started running, I could tell it was going to be a great run. I felt light and springy, the air was crisp and cold, and my playlist started off with a favorite Eminem song (Berzerk). I had my sleeves pulled down over my hands, so it wasn't convenient to look at my Garmin; and then I decided that I was going to do the entire run without looking at my pace. I felt really good, and I didn't care if my pace was in the right zone or not, so I just didn't look. I did make sure not to push myself hard, though--I wanted it to be an easy pace and enjoyable, without gasping for breath.

I did a simple out-and-back route, and it went by really quickly! When I was racing the Turkey Trot on Thursday, I was dying and kept hoping it would be over at each turn. But today, listening to music and running in the cold, I wouldn't have minded adding a couple more miles!

When I hit mile four, I stopped my Garmin, and didn't feel super tired or anything. In fact, I felt pretty energetic. Imagine my surprise, then, when I saw that my average pace was 9:06!

After the 5K on Thursday, I was worried about what I was getting myself into with this 10K goal, because it seems like I have SO FAR to go. But I remember when I got relatively fast in late 2012-early 2013, it happened really quickly. Once I started going speed work, my body adapted well and I progressed from a 10:45-ish long run pace to an 8:45 long run pace over the course of about three months. And that was for 12 mile long runs--so, hopefully, considering my long runs are going to be much shorter this time around, I can actually pull this off ;)

Today marked the last day of my first week of 10K training. My first week went really well! I did an easy run; speed work (hitting my target pace); a tempo run (which ended up turning into a 5K race); and a long run. This week coming up looks pretty much the same, except for the race. I'm looking forward to it!

Don't forget to send in your submissions for Motivational Monday! I probably won't be posting tomorrow, so I'm just writing a reminder now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

28 November 2015

How I calorie counted my way back to my goal weight

Recently, I've been getting a trillion questions about calorie counting, and how I managed to do so well with it in getting back to my goal weight. The reason I chose to count calories is because it's very simple (not to be confused with "easy")--you just count the calories in everything you eat. I really didn't want to overthink anything... so I didn't.

In this post, I'm going to answer a bunch of the questions I've been getting lately, because it's easier than explaining it over and over elsewhere. I say this all the time, but I want to stress again that everybody is different, and what works for me may not work for others; and what works for others may not work for me. I am not trying to tell anyone how to do things, because I don't know you! I think it's important that each person finds what works for him/herself.

What I'm about to write is just how I chose to do calorie counting--and who am I? I'm not a doctor or scientist or nutritionist, or anything like that. I just tried to keep it simple and something I could do for the long haul. That said, though, here is how I utilized calorie counting to lose weight...

I want to start by saying that I don't have any set of "rules" that I follow. By taking away rules, I feel much less pressure. I'm not following a particular "program" or anyone else's guidelines. I typically just make stuff up as I go along, and learn from my mistakes.

Q. What app do you use for calorie counting?

A. I use My Fitness Pal. The two most popular apps seem to be My Fitness Pal and SparkPeople, so I did a comparison of them, which you can read here.

Q. How many calories do you eat a day?

A. It varies every single day. I don't aim for a particular number, because I think that if I were to aim for one specific number (for example, 1,500) and I were to go over just a bit (1,510), I would feel like I "cheated" or "failed" somehow. By not having a specific number that I must stick to, I don't ever "cheat" or "fail". However, when I plan out my day ahead of time, I usually aim for roughly 1,500; and I just change things as needed. (If I'm hungry, I eat more; if not, I eat less)

I averaged all the calories I ate each day over the last 15 weeks, and it worked out to 1,568 per day. My Fitness Pal suggested a goal of 1,200, but obviously, I didn't adhere to that. I just ate what was comfortable for me (enough to not feel hungry, and also what I felt was a "normal" amount of food) and it worked out to be an average of 1,568 per day. I think the best way to find out how many calories to eat each day is just to experiment and see what works! Some days I eat much less, some days I eat much more. It just depends on my appetite that day.

Q. Do you add in extra calories for exercise?

A. No. (They get added automatically to My Fitness Pal because syncs with my Garmin, but I don't consciously think, "Oh, I burned 275 calories on my run today, so I can eat an extra 275 calories today.") However, because I don't have an actual calorie target each day, "adding in" calories for exercise wouldn't really make sense. Like I said, I wanted to keep it very simple and not overthink anything! If I was trying to stick with a particular calorie target each day, I would probably add my exercise calories in, just to give myself that option to eat more. But because I don't have a target, there is no number to add to, if that makes sense.

Q. What is your "high calorie" day that you talk about?

A. Once a week, I choose to eat more calorically dense foods and go over my "typical" calories. I usually end up eating about 2,000 to 3,000 calories on a high-calorie day. I don't binge, or call it a "cheat day" or anything like that. I eat the same volume of food I do any other day, but I choose foods that have a lot more calories than my normal days. For example, my kids love getting pizza once a week, so I might have three small pieces of pizza for about 1,000 calories. Normally, my dinner is about 300-500 calories, even if it's the same volume of food. I usually use the high calorie day if I'm going to be going out to dinner or if Jerry is off work and we have something special planned. I do the high calorie day to keep my body from getting used to eating the same general number of calories per day.

Q. Do you track your macro nutrients (carbs, fat, protein)?

A. No. Again, keeping it simple. I track just my calories, and I don't worry about any other numbers. I've found in the past, when I've tried to track nutrients like carbs or protein or fat, I get a perfectionist attitude. If I don't hit the target, I feel like I failed. Then, I typically binge and quit altogether. By keeping it very simple, tracking just ONE number (calories), then I don't get overwhelmed. My Fitness Pal automatically keeps track of macros, and on the very rare occasion that I glance at it, I see that I eat mostly carbs and fat--ordinarily, that would freak me out, because "everyone" says you should eat less carbs and more protein to lose weight. I just keep in mind that I am not "everyone", I am ME. And I will do what works for me.

Q. Do you track your fruits and vegetables?

A. Yes. There are calories in fruits and vegetables (more than I thought, actually! Being on Weight Watchers for so long, I tended to think of vegetables as "free", but the calories really do add up). I track everything I eat, even the 5 calories in my tea. Not tracking something doesn't mean I didn't eat it, as much as I wish that were true ;) Only three people see my food log: myself, my husband, and my best friend. So, there is no reason to hide things from my food log! I would only be kidding myself.

Q. What kinds of foods do you eat?

A. Anything I want. Whatever sounds good to me at that time. Again, keeping it simple! If I try to restrict something, I'll just obsess over it; so, I don't have any "rules" about what I can or can't eat. Some of my favorite foods that I eat a lot of: Larabars (I eat one with peanut butter every day for breakfast), scrambled eggs with cheese, pizza, all sorts of soup, sweet tomatoes, pasta, and dried cherries.

Q. How do you count bites of food here or licks there? Do you count them?

A. I actually got into a really nice routine with my meals, and I very rarely stray from it (not because it's a "rule", but because it's comfortable). I eat three meals a day and one bedtime treat. I don't do any snacking, because I don't like to spend calories on snacks--I'd rather eat higher calorie meals three times a day. In the evenings, I enjoy a treat of some kind--a couple of cookies, a glass of wine or two, a mini apple pie, candy, dried cherries... whatever sounds good. It's usually about 200-300 calories; but again, I don't have a particular target. So, because of my routine, I don't do any bites, licks, or tastes--just meals.

Q. How do you track the calories in recipes?

A. My Fitness Pal has an awesome recipe tracker on the app! When I'm cooking, I can literally just scan the barcode of ingredients and build the recipe right there on the app. Then it's saved for the next time I make the recipe, too. You can even import recipes from websites and swap out ingredients if you change things up. It's a really great tool!

Q. What's different between how you're eating now and when you were doing Weight Watchers?

A. Weight Watchers is a great program! That's how I lost the majority of my weight. However, when I was doing Weight Watchers this year, it took FOREVER to lose weight--I lost four pounds over a couple of months. I was staying on program, so I just assumed my metabolism had slowed or something. However, now that I've been calorie counting for a while, I am starting to see what the problems were. I learned to "work the program" in order to get the most calories possible out of each PointsPlus (something that, once you learn, you can't "unlearn"). For example, I learned that 25 grams of peanut butter and 28 grams of peanut butter had the same number of PointsPlus; so naturally, I would choose to eat 28 grams. When you do that with all of your foods, you eat a lot more calories than you would otherwise!

I think the biggest issue, however, was the fact that I was following all the "rules" of WW. Since WW gave me a target number of PointsPlus to aim for each day, I would always try to work it like a puzzle, getting in a particular number of PP each day--no more, no less. I ate all of my activity PP and weekly PP, also, so even if I wasn't very hungry one day, I would still eat the PP that I was "allowed". If I was extra hungry one day, I would still try to stick with my allowance. While counting calories, I'm listening to my hunger cues much more, and I don't feel the pressure to stick to a particular calorie target.

Also, Weight Watchers has you thinking in terms of weeks instead of days. For some people this works really well; but as a binge eater, it didn't work so well for me. My PP started fresh every Wednesday... so if, for example, I binged (or just overate) on Thursday or Friday, I wouldn't have any weekly PP to carry me over until Wednesday. A lot of times, I would just say "screw it" and not count my PP for the rest of the week. So, it wasn't the fault of Weight Watchers that I wasn't losing weight; it was just the way that I was working the program.

To put it simply, calorie counting (the way I do it) has no hard set of rules, so I can just make it up as I go, fitting it into my life. I like that!

Q. What do you do if you don't know how many calories are in something? Say, you go to a friend's house for dinner, and you don't know the recipe for what he/she prepared. How do you count that?

A. I make my best guesstimate. I just search for the food in the MFP database generically (if your friend made lasagna, for example; with garlic bread and salad). I would search lasagna, and then pick the one that I would honestly think makes the most sense. Obviously, it's not going to be exactly accurate, unless you have the recipe, but it's close enough. I would search garlic bread and salad the same way.

I do the same thing when I go to a restaurant that isn't a chain or doesn't have the calories listed. I just think of something similar, and count it as that item instead. The most important thing about it is not to lie to yourself. Don't say, "Oh, that looks like it's about half a cup" when clearly it's a cup and a half ;)

Yeah, I'd say that's 1/4 cup of dried cherries, wouldn't you? ;)

Q. Do you still have urges to binge? And if so, what do you do? 

A. I do still have urges to binge, and sometimes I have to white-knuckle my way through them (my kids arguing with each other is my biggest trigger!). But, the more time that passes since my last binge (115 days and counting right now), the more determined I am to keep the streak going. And the urges come less and less often now. It's much easier to cave in on Day 4 than it is on Day 104, for example, because you don't want to ruin the good streak!

One thing that has helped is that I have a drink to sip--usually, I'll have diet tonic water with lime, or flavored seltzer water. Vodka tonics are my favorite cocktail, so when I have the diet tonic with lime, I can at least pretend I'm having the real thing, haha. Other things I do to pass the binge urge: text a friend, take a shower, play a game on my iPad, work on a puzzle, take Joey for a walk, plan out my meals for the next day, do a load of laundry... basically ANYTHING that either gets me away from the kitchen, or takes my mind off of the food.

Finally, I make a mental note of what it is that I want to binge on, and I tell myself I can have it on my high calorie day. When my high calorie day comes around, I usually have forgotten all about it; but if I'm still thinking of it, then I'll go ahead and eat it (measuring and counting it, of course!).

Q. Does your old post about eating a dessert every single day to resist binge eating still hold true?

A. Yes! I still have a dessert/treat every night, and I definitely think it helps me not to binge. It gives me something to look forward to all day, and by eating just a small portion, I am still excited to eat it again the next day (whereas, after a binge, I feel sick and vow never to eat it ever again).

Goofy picture, but I was expressing my excitement over my
bedtime treat--a York Peppermint Patty! ;)

For a few older posts regarding binge eating, you can check them out here:
How I refrained from binge eating for a year while losing weight
A little of my history with binge eating
How I'm successfully on another binge-free streak in maintenance

I think that pretty much sums it up! I can't stress enough that it really helps to experiment to find what works for YOU. Try making your own rules and change them around until they fit for YOU. I think the approach I'm taking is very similar to intuitive eating--I'm eating what I want, I'm listening to my hunger cues, I'm not following any "rules"--only I happen to log my food and track the calories, so I can keep myself from getting out of hand.

For anyone who is struggling like I was struggling to get back to goal, my advice would be not to overthink it, and do what makes it easier for YOU. For example, if counting macros helps you to stay on task, then do it! If it stresses you out, like it does for me, then just focus on the calories. If having a target calorie goal each day helps you not to overeat, then do that; but if it makes you feel bad about yourself for going over your target once in a while, then try having a target range, or no target at all. That's basically what I did--I just looked at what made things easier for me, and made up my own rules. Hopefully that helps!

I also want to make it clear that I am not trying to tell anyone at all how they should or shouldn't eat. Like I said, I've been getting a lot of questions lately about the calorie counting, so I wanted to answer those in one spot. As I always say, find what works for you--something you can do for the long haul--and do that :)

27 November 2015

That Time My Friend Tried to Have Have An Intervention With Me

Hello! How’s it going? Over here I am climbing out of a happy food coma. I love Thanksgiving!!!! (I said that all day Thursday.) But now it’s time to start thinking about Christmas or Hanukah or yourself if you just love a good deal and want some loot!

shopping is good[3]

Let’s say hypothetically, I was still shopping for my Fall/Winter capsule wardrobe. And let’s say I was shopping for myself this lovely deal filled day instead of buying Christmas presents. If I was doing that, I would spend hours on the websites below looking for a combination of cute and comfortable and warm and cheap.

repping run eat repeat hoodie

Then, I would create a “winter uniform” that looked like this… allegedly:

My winter uniform:

Top – I want this sweater in all the colors. That is what actually inspired me to do a winter uniform! I had to talk myself out of buying it in all colors because I know that’s boring a lil bit.

Under the top a simple cami.

BottomYoga Jeans. Seriously. They don’t have my size right now, but I’ll be checking back everyday until I can get these.

Shoes – A comfy cute pair of flats or slip-ons for the day. And maybe some boots at night when it’s cold.

Accessories – I want a scarf so soft it makes you cry, like every single time you touch it a single tear falls out of your eye.

Jacket – I need a good peacoat (does that count as a peacoat?).

I usually just wear like 4 hoodies at a time when I’m cold because I don’t have a fancy jacket.

i wear 4 jackets

That brings me to my sad jacket story…

One time a friend tried to have an intervention with me and was like, “You cannot wear that sweatshirt out! It ruins your whole outfit and makes it a mess.”

and I was like, “It’s a hoodie not a sweatshirt!” But I knew she was right. And I froze because I don’t have a friggin’ nice jacket.

The end.


Now to brighten up your spirits here are the best Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for people who like to wear clothes:

Macy’s Take 20% off with code THANKS and enjoy free shipping over $50; valid Nov. 25 through Nov. 28.

Everything on this page is only $9.99 at Macy’s right now!


Bloomingdale’s Cyber Monday sale! 25% off select regular and sale items, plus free shipping on US orders; Nov. 30 only.


Nordstrom — On Cyber Monday, take up to 40% off on top women’s shoe brands! Plus, enjoy free shipping and free returns; valid Nov. 29 through Dec. 1.

J.Crew — Take 30% off your purchase, including stuff that is never on sale! Plus, 40% off hundreds of styles and 40% off all sale styles in stores and online. Use code HOLIDAY; valid Nov. 25 through Nov. 26.

Shopbop — Save up to 25% with code GOBIG15. And now through Nov. 30., spend $250+ and save 15%; spend $500+ and save 20%; and spend $1,000+ and save 25%.

Anthropologie — 25% off everything with code SHOPTOIT; valid Nov. 27 through Nov. 29.


shopping is good for you

shopping is my cardio[5]

pile on the miles 2013


How did it go this week? Did you hit your goals? Leave a comment on this post to be entered in the last POTM15 $100 contest.

Big thank you to Sabra for sponsoring this challenge. And BIG thank you to everyone who participated, checked in, supported and played along.

Be sure to use the hashtag #POTM15 to share your final workouts and goals! I’m doing a recap post when I announce the winner.

Question: Did you hit your POTM Fitness Goals for this week?

The post That Time My Friend Tried to Have Have An Intervention With Me appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Black Friday Guide: Shop in Your PJs

Black Friday Deals

Happy Black Friday!

Are you Team No Way in Hell or Team Shopping is a Competitive Sport? I am generally Team No Way in Hell but occasionally Team I Don’t Know, Let’s Go Out Midday and See What’s Left.

But I’m always Team Shop in PJs, and especially this year, since my mom is trying to get all of her Christmas shopping done before she goes into the hospital on the 8th.

So let’s talk about the deals you can get in your PJs today, eh?

J. Crew: 40% off sale + 30% off sitewide with code HOLIDAY. LOVE this dress as an option for my work holiday party.

NordstromUp to 50% off + free shipping. Sadly, these booties I have my eyes on are not on sale.

BloomingdalesUp to 50% off + great deals on coats. Because, sadly, puffer season is upon us.

Kate Spade25% off your entire purchase with code MERCI. DANGER, DANGER. Someone please take my wallet away before I buy all the sparkly things.

Athleta20% off with code WORKIT.

Lilly Pulitzer: Sadly my beloved Lilly rarely does sales BUT is doing a crazy promotion of giving you a free flight if you spend over $1500…

SephoraNo codes, but lots of cute little things for under $10

Nike: 25% off with code GETOUTTHERE

SauconyThrough 12/31, 26STRONG gets you 20% off sale AND full-priced items (and you can currently get 30% off with SALE30) including their super-cute new lifestyle line

New Balance15% off everything with code …which includes the super-cute Vazee Pace NYC shoes — my current faves!

Target: SO many great deals — including $100 gift cards when you buy certain Apple products

What about you? Tell me about the awesome deals you scored.

My Stomach: Before & After Eating Thanksgiving

Whoa! I’m pretty sure I ate all of Thanksgiving. Here is what my stomach looked like, before & after, within hours of eating my big holiday meal. I’m not sweating it, though. My belly went back down again, and now it’s back to normal eating as usual! (at least until Christmas. heheheheeee)

Watch the Video

This is honestly a tough time of year to keep your fitness in check. But instead of splurging the entire holiday season, pick your battles — do not splurge almost everyday. It will be easier to maintain your fitness this season if you enjoy a big meal here and there, instead of doing the repeated mindless munching on holiday junk food that’s not even worth it to you.

Happy holiday eating! Choose your splurges wisely.

The post My Stomach: Before & After Eating Thanksgiving appeared first on Yum Yucky.

Bikini babe celebrates new BODY after husband buys her £8000 'body lift'

A WOMAN celebrated wearing a bikini for the first time in 15 years after her husband treated her to a new BODY.

Thanksgiving and Pile on the Miles Check In

Hello! I just had a very blessed, happy, delicious, run-y, eat-y, grateful Thanksgiving. I just got home and want to make this quick so I can watch some TV while I fall asleep. That would be the perfect ending to today. This is mostly pictures, but it’s not rocket science so I think you can put it together.

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While I was running I decided I wanted a cake dessert. I knew we would have pumpkin pie at dinner, but I prefer cake over pie. I decided to put the two together and make an Apple Upside Down Cake. I had to just guess at the store since I ran out of data on my phone and couldn’t google it. I grabbed cake mix, butter, apple pie filling, apples and a few random things.

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It turned out great!!

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Time to head to dinner with the family!

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My favorite person! She’s my friend now. I love it.

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I’m the official turkey carver around here! Thank you Food Network for the tips.

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Thank you God.

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pile on the miles 2013

Pile on the Miles Friday Check In

What are you doing today?

The post Thanksgiving and Pile on the Miles Check In appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.