30 June 2016

All The Girl Questions!

Hello! Last week I asked for your girl / personal  questions for a post. I’m working with Always to address some of these usually off limits topics. Working out, your period, hormones, pregnancy and other activities can all effect how you feel. It’s stuff all ladies deal with so we should talk about it, right? I am a super open book for most things – girl questions included. But I haven’t wanted to do a whole post on it because I didn’t want to alienate the guys in the crowd.

Well, boys you’ve been warned – skip to tomorrow where I’ll be eating donuts and raving about the SoCal weather per usual.

Running and your period


The call for questions had a great response! So in order to keep this post from turning into a novel I’m going to dive right in…

Note: There are a few questions that I don’t have experience with – if you do please chime in below to help out fellow RER readers. Thank you!

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Your female Questions About Running:

Q: My biggest area that I chafe is my lady parts on long runs! Any advice? I’ve tried undies, no undies, and Body Glided everywhere with zero luck.

A: The first thing I do when I have a chafing issue is change my clothes whether it be shorts or a sports bra or top. Having a piece of gear that you’re pulling at or adjusting or that just rubs you the wrong way is the worst. I’d change up my underwear, shorts or capris (or whatever you’re wearing) first. Buy another style or cut or size or fabric to eliminate the chafe before slathering on glide to keep the rubbing to a minimum.

This might mean switching from shorts with built in liner/underwear to compression style or vice-versa. Switch it up and see if that helps.

Tip: There is underwear made specifically for working out now. They are very thin and made from breathable fabric. Try that (along with maybe a new pair of shorts or capris) and see if it helps.

I haven’t had an issue with chafing in this area but have had this same question from a few readers. One reader specifically said this only happens in the winter to her so it might be what she’s wearing in winter vs. summer?

*RER Readers – Can you chime in to help on this one?

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Q: As a newer runner I have honestly struggled with starting my period during two half marathons. I must have the worst planning. Do you always carry something with you or am I the crazy woman that needs to bring something with me each run. Also, do you have a preferred brand that doesn’t feel like it is “falling out” when running. (Am I really asking that?) But yes, that is my biggest issue when running because as soon as I feel it I know it is going to be an AWFUL run.

A: Do you keep track of your period? Is it super irregular? I use an app to keep track – it’s not 100% accurate but has been helpful to have a rough idea of when it’s about to start a few days out. It’s called Period App, but I know there are a lot of options out there.

When I first started using the app I did have a few surprises – it sucks!! I try to keep at least one tampon in my purse in case of emergencies but honestly I would hate to have one with me on runs when I didn’t really need it.

I use tampons. They are ones that don’t have an applicator and are super tiny so it’s easy to keep it with you on a run. They expand and really don’t budge once they’re up there. Fair warning – You need to be comfortable pushing it in without an applicator but I think everyone should be comfortable and familiar with this even if it takes some practice.  I’ve been using them since I was a teenager and really am happy with them.

You can also use a liner like the Always Dailies. They’re super thin you can probably tuck one in the key pocket of your shorts in case of emergencies and then swap it for a pad or tampon when you get home.

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Q: My cramps have ruined training days or races for me before. Do you have any strategies for dealing with cramps and hard racing/training days?

A: Ugh. This sucks! When I have cramps I take Ibuprofen and try to stretch more. My cramps are usually lower back / upper leg area and it’s the worst for running. I focus on lower back and upper leg stretches to help relax the area.

I would also suggest being open to changing hard run days during my period if that works with your schedule. I know you can’t change a race day, but as soon as you realize it’s a period week I would suggest looking at your training schedule and maybe switching around days so you aren’t doing your hardest days on the days with the worst cramps.

Then, you can rest on the ‘worst’ day of your period and complain to your cat like I do.

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Q: Hi Monica, I’m a regular reader of your blog! I have noticed a few things regarding my period when it comes to running, and I’m not sure if I’m alone on this, so here we go:
1. I have way less energy when I run the days before my period, it sucks if race day is one of those days
2. I also have way more IBD episodes during those days before my period, and usually have to stop mid-run for a bathroom break, even on short distances
3. As soon as I get my period, I have instantly more energy, yay!
4. Chaffing down there during long runs when you are using a pad, like, how do you avoid it? :/
Sorry if I just threw TMI at you. Am I “normal”? Please send help!

A:  Hi! I don’t know if you’re normal as a person (because I’m probably not), but I think your questions are super normal.

1. Yeah, periods can be a huge energy suck – I vote you get more rest. Consider more sleep or a nap or a meditation session to give your body some time to recharge.

2. I can’t speak to this in terms of IBD but I know my stomach tends to get upset around the start of my period. Boo.

*RER Readers – anyone with IBD issues have it worse during ‘time of month’? Thoughts on how to deal?

3. We should start a “post period party” tradition to celebrate more energy! I guess that’s the one good thing about feeling crappy during your period – after it’s great!

4. You might want to consider a super thin pad or switching to tampons for long runs. There are a lot of super thin pad options you could try for when you’re running and then use something else before/after.

The skin in that area is the most sensitive on our body so it’s important to try and prevent chafing in the first place.  You might have to do some trial and error with underwear and pads that stay together and don’t move around and rub.

If you’re not super comfortable wearing tampons all the time maybe just when you’re running could help prevent the chafing and then you can wear a pad for the rest of the day.

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Q: Have you had any experience with losing your period while training?

While I haven’t lost much weight (128 lbs and 5’4” currently) I have not had my period since January and kept my mileage at a steady 60 miles per week training for ultras. I think I eat enough calories and do pretty well tracking it all – but being 4 months with no Aunt Flo is a little scary!

A: I haven’t lost my period while training but I’m sure there are some readers who have dealt with this or similar problems. Maybe someone will chime in on the comments.

I encourage you talk to a sports dietician about it since losing your period can impact overall health and fertility and that’s not something to mess with long term. Even if you think you’re getting  enough calories your body might need more or training is impacting you in some other way or it might not be related to running and is something you should check out with a physician.

*RER Readers – can you help? Have you lost your period? How do you make sure you stay on regular cycles while training?


Q: I have a Diva Cup and used to love it. For running, though, I find it falls out a bit (TMI?). I end up feeling it “down there” and it is really uncomfortable when I run. As such, I started using pads again. The only thing is, I get all sweaty and gross everywhere when I run, so I end up feeling extra gross “down there” when wearing a pad during a run.

I am not a tampon person, but I’d be willing to try it again.

All of this is to ask what you use for protection when you run during your period?

A: I use tampons and I really love them. The ones I use are super tiny in the package because they don’t have an applicator. Someone who is already using a Diva Cup should have no problem switching to this. Maybe you can try to use a tampon just for running and the cup when you’re not running?

Or you can try a pad made specifically for working out? Always has an Active Pad for this.

Q: How do you deal with bloat and avoid that ‘fat feeling’ when you logically know it’s just your body doing its thing? Asking for a friend…. JK it’s for me and my own neuroses.

A: I usually deal with bloat and feeling fat by eating a ton of chocolate and feeling sorry for myself. Ha!

But if I’m trying to actually feel better about it I take a walk – for some reason this helps bloat for me.

If I feel gross and bloated I also make sure to wear something that either makes me feel better or ‘hide’ it so I don’t feel self conscious on top of feeling fat. I don’t want to set myself up for feeling even worse by trying to wear something that is tight on my belly or calls attention to an area that feels crappy right then.

i feel bloated


Always sponsored this post to get us talking about keeping a healthy balance in working out and staying fresh and being comfortable talking about it. If you have additional questions or want to chime in on some of the questions above please do!

You can get more information on the Always Dailies and Feminine Wipes at those links.

Question: Can you chime in on some of the above questions?

Who’s down for a post-period party? Or any party? I don’t have any plans for this weekend…

Disclaimer: This post is in partnership with Always. All opinions are my own.

The post All The Girl Questions! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

I Am A Health Coach So I Shouldn’t Eat This Peanut Butter

Hello! For some reason I woke up at 4am today. Four. What the heck? Maybe I am just excited because… I am a health coach! I passed my last Health Coaching  test yesterday!!

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I remember signing up for the Integrative Nutrition program while I was on that Princess Cruise I took last year. I can’t believe it’s been a year!! I’ll talk more about the program and what’s next for your local Monican later. Right now I really don’t know what I’m going to do with the certification since this ol’ running / eating / random / lifestyle / orange cat blog  is doing pretty well. But I am super excited about it and proud of myself.

Speaking of things I did while traveling…

When I was unpacking from Florida I found these papers in the front pocket of my suitcase – my press pass, bib from the Jerusalem Marathon and a receipt in Hebrew. I don’t usually keep my bibs, but I’m considering keeping this one. Maybe.

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Then last night I was going through the purses in my closet looking for a packet of stevia (totally normal right?). I was out of sweetener and often have packets in my purse in case of an iced coffee emergency. Anyway…

I found two packets of stevia (in case you were curious), a five dollar bill, several gum wrappers and this peanut butter I got from the breakfast buffet at our hotel in Jerusalem. Boom!

Then, I thought maybe I shouldn’t eat it since peanuts can go rancid and it’s been a while and through several temperature variations?

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The point is…

I ate it. I’ll let you know if I die.


In other food news I think we’re taking the term ‘PROTEIN bar’ a little too literally with this one…

This my friends, is a protein bar made from lamb meat.

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The nutrition info is pretty good, but I was not going to buy it to taste test. I’m not a big lamb eater (read: I had a bite of it once when a date had lamb chops and insisted it was amazing).

Have you tried this? Would you??


In running news… My tempo run Tuesday was a lot harder than last week. Hmmmm. My legs were a little tired from Monday’s workout and it’s hot (but it was hot last week too). I need to make sure I am fueling soon after my run and getting enough rest (I say after I woke up at 4am).

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Maybe joining a running group would help me? I know there are a lot of them around here in Orange County.

I think there might be a new running group that meets on the path I run! But I don’t know if I could keep up with them…

not just because they might run too fast but because I don’t understand the directions they mark on the sidewalk…

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In what I’m eating news…

Blueberries. All of them. In 24 hours. Okay, maybe 22 hours

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And last night I was craving ice cream, but  didn’t want to buy a half a gallon for myself or a Ben & Jerry’s pint (again for myself) so I opted for my favorite low calorie ice cream – Halo Top. This stuff really is good. And as an added bonus I scored this Larabar for $0.15!! What?!

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Tip: Leave it out on the counter so it gets a little creamier and melty.

I think Halo Top is a little better than the original flavors of Arctic Zero but I haven’t tried the new flavors of Arctic Zero ice cream with pieces of chocolate chips or cookie bits. Those ‘chunky pints’ as they call them would probably be more comparable to this Mint Chip Halo Top.

I feel like the original / creamy pints of Arctic Zero tasted like an ice cream replacement, but didn’t satisfy my ice cream craving. The Halo Top with chocolate chips does. It doesn’t have a lot of chocolate chips so I usually throw on some nuts or granola for extra crunch. I’m a toppings girl all the way so I kind of don’t care as much about the base of the ice cream as I do the textures and flavors of the toppings.

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Question: Have you tried a savory protein bar? A meat one?

I know KIND bars has savory flavors now, I’ve tried those and they’re good. I prefer sweet stuff though.

The post I Am A Health Coach So I Shouldn’t Eat This Peanut Butter appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Week 46 Weigh in (maintenance struggles)

I've been really conflicted about whether to write this post or not. I really don't want to write a post that sounds negative and whiny; but, readers always tell me how much they appreciate my honesty with the struggles in regards to weight loss/maintenance, instead of only writing about the successes. I've never tried to paint a picture that implies I have maintenance all figured out--I think it's something I'll struggle with forever--but writing about the struggles is hard. It's embarrassing. It's shameful. 

I'm struggling right now--a lot. I've never been one to make excuses for my weight struggles, and I won't do that now. I know exactly where I'm going wrong, and I own that. I just hope that by writing it out, I can come to some sort of solution.
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29 June 2016

That Time I Peed On My Cat

So, I don’t know how to tell you this but I accidently peed on my cat. I should be too embarrassed to share this on national television my random blog. I just want you to know it might be major TMI and you’ve been warned.

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In my defense, Vegas (the cat) peed on my mom’s bed once (when he had a UTI) so it’s kind of like payback?

Okay. First I need to explain something that seems irrelevant but is super relevant…

California is in a bad drought.

There are signs to CONSERVE WATER everywhere. The pressure is on to not waste a drop of water.

Since I …

A.) work at home

B.) drink tons of water because I run a lot and need to be hydrated

C.) pee a lot

D.) am alone all day so no one would know this except you  now

I use the ol’ rule:  ‘when it’s yellow let it mellow’. For the record, it’s not even yellow it’s actually almost clear since I’m SUPER hydrated.


Last night I woke up to pee in the middle of the night, put the seat down and then went back to sleep.

A few hours later a was woken up by Vegas playing ‘ninjas’. This is when he jumps in the air like an invisible ninja is attacking him and then runs to another room and hides before he pops out again. He jumps and runs back and forth slamming into the walls and sliding around on the laminate floor so the noise woke me up.

At this point I was awake and it was almost 6am so I figured I’d just get up and start my day. I crawled out of bed and walked to the restroom. Just as I was lifting the toilet seat Vegas slid around the corner and hopped on the toilet to attack the invisible ninja in the bathroom.

Except… he didn’t realize I was lifting the lid and I, having just woken up, didn’t realize what the heck was going on until I was startled 100% awake at the sight of Vegas leaping into the toilet!! He splashed into the pee water and then frantically jumped out as I went running after him to wash him off. It was traumatizing for all involved. Mostly me. (And now possibly you.)

And that is why Vegas shouldn’t play ninjas at 5am and I shouldn’t ‘let it mellow’ and why I shouldn’t have a blog to share this kind of information. The end.

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For those of you that actually read my lil story here is a reward – this is a true story of triumph and perseverance. It’s also probably the longest cat video I’ve ever watched till the end…

The post That Time I Peed On My Cat appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

3 Summer Crostini Recipes with Grilled Corn, Asparagus and Tomatoes

3 Summertime Crostini Recipes

This post is sponsored by Arla Lately Daniel and I have been talking about buying a house. Next spring when the lease on our apartment ends, we’re planning to pack up and head back home to Massachusetts. Just thinking about being closer to our family and friends makes me happy. When I look around our...Read More

The post 3 Summer Crostini Recipes with Grilled Corn, Asparagus and Tomatoes appeared first on Andie Mitchell.

REVEALED: Why your diet drink is actually making you FAT

DRINKS with zero calories are actually making us gain weight according to experts.

Why Tracking My Food Works Better Than I’d Like to Admit


Seven years ago, I lost 50 pounds and started this blog to chronicle that journey.

I’ve gained back anywhere from 10-20 pounds of that, depending on the day. 

The first few years of weight maintenance were GREAT. It was still novel, I guess, and I loved eating healthy and was good at being relatively strict with my diet. But a few years ago, I don’t know if I started emotional eating through some tough times or I just didn’t care, but I slowly let those super healthy eating habits slide, thinking “but I work out a lot! I run marathons!”

LOL. Hi you can’t out-exercise a bad diet, no matter how hard you try. Damnit.

Looking back, the number one thing that helped me lose weight was tracking what I ate. And especially since I was tracking it in such a public way, no way did I want to show y’all I wasn’t eating as healthily as I “should” have, and I’ve never been one to only present the good.

Over these past few years, I’ve tried quite a few times to lose some of that extra weight. By the end of last June, I felt really good. I started thinking recently about what I was doing then. 1. Lifting with our LTF program at work. 2. Tracking everything in MyFitnessPal. To be honest, I had mixed feelings about MFP, or at least how I was using it. I was getting too competitive with myself as I compared myself to my coworkers’ eating habits and progress. 

I’ve been trying a service called Rise, which matches you 1:1 with a coach who reads all your food logs and gives you feedback (basically, virtual RD.) In full disclosure, I’m paying for this with my own cashmoney (it’s about $48/month or $12/week, which is more reasonable than seeing an IRL RD) but that linky there gives both of us a free week.

The app doesn’t use calories, which is actually sort of nice. This post isn’t meant to be a review of Rise, by the way, though I might once I’ve done it longer/if I stick with it. I’ve been doing this for not even a week, and I can already tell it’s making me reconsider what I’m eating since I’m logging it AND helping me identify habits I hadn’t even realized (i.e. I really like something sweet in the afternoon.) I’ve already been making a really conscious effort for the past month or so to cut back on wine, and I’m ready to add on the healthier eating habits now. (Although it is easier to eat healthy when there is less wine in my life, just saying. 

I’m also already realizing how to not beat myself up for a “bad” meal (which is usually when I’m tired/stressed/etc) and let it go, realizing it’s just one meal out of the 21 or so I eat all week. I’ve also already noticed I rarely eat more than two meals on the weekends, what about you? I’m already feeling closer to moderation, and I’m now trying to figure out solid goals for myself to keep me on track through my Hamptons weekends.

tl;dr: It’s a pain in the ass to track, but it really works. 

I have so many questions for you:

1. Do you track what you eat? How/where?

2. How do you stay healthy through fun summer weekends? Loosely, I think my current plan is to ensure I DEFINITELY get in a Saturday morning workout while I’m away, and making sure I keep Friday night just tame enough that that can happen. I can be hungover and running, just as long as I’m running. 

3. Do you eat three square meals on the weekend? My college roomie Lindsay and her mom made fun of me her wedding weekend because I. needed. every. single. meal. or. else. 

Running and an update on Monica

Well, I knocked two more runs off of my Cookies Summer Running Checklist. The first was a run with the kids yesterday. The kids have been doing a GREAT job at following their training plans. They've really surprised me! They haven't skipped any runs, and they haven't even complained about them.

Last week, I decided to order Eli a Garmin on Amazon. Jerry and I each have one, and Noah got one for Christmas in 2014. Eli was always borrowing one of ours for his runs. I thought since he's doing so well at sticking with his training, I'd get him a Garmin of his own.
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Blue Apron Perfect Timing

After almost two weeks in Florida I can home last week to a pretty empty fridge. I usually try to keep grocery shopping to a minimum before a trip and/or EAT ALL THE THINGS! So when I got home jet-lagged and hungry I ate PB out of the jar and figured I’d have to stock up asap. But, I also had a ton of work to catch up on – with deadlines hanging over my head and stressing me out.

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Luckily I had arranged for a Blue Apron order to be delivered the day after I got home. It was perfect timing!! Suddenly I had all the ingredients for two delicious healthy meals delivered to my door.

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I was most excited that there was a fresh vegetable in my house! I had no veggies and wanted something fresh.

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Vegas was most excited that I was making fish. He isn’t a huge beggar but if I’m making fish or eating turkey he will stand there and meow until I cave and give him some. I’m usually a bad pet owner in that I don’t share ‘people food’ with my dogs but I figure Vegas has 9 lives so he’s fine.

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I appreciate that Blue Apron makes an effort to create meals with sustainable seafood. When I saw that the salmon was wild caught I sent a picture to SR.

Did you know my one and only friend SR grew up in Alaska and hails from a family of fisherman?! Yes. She full on worked on a boat for several summers when we first met. I thought it was the coolest thing. Anyway, I told her to thank her dad for the salmon. It was good!

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The first night I made Salmon Rolls with roasted potatoes. Salmon is one of my favorites but I don’t really know how to cook it well. I have only ever thrown it in a pan and cooked it with a few random spices I have.

This salmon roll taught me a new way to enjoy it. This dish reminded me of something I would have on vacation somewhere near the ocean. Loved it.

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The potatoes came out perfectly too! This was a winner all the way.

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And if  you’re wondering about Vegas…

I gave him the salmon skin. After cooking the salmon the instructions were to remove it from the skin and flake into a bowl. He totally scored on the fish!

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The next day I packed up dinner #2 and headed to my parents’ house. I hadn’t seen them in a while and missed my people!

My Blue Apron delivery serves 4 people so it was perfect to cook for my mom, dad and brother. Last time my little brother helped, this time he just supervised. They offer two types of plans, the 2-Person Plan and Family Plan and I am on the family plan right now (I’ve tried both).

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You boil the potatoes and then cooked them in a little butter and seasonings. Ah-mazing. Like crazy good.

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I was excited about this meal because I feel like I keep seeing amazing recipes for Smashed Potatoes but haven’t tried them. This meal gave me a crash course in how to make smashed taters and they were so good I’ll definitely make them again.

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They were so good, I’m definitely getting on board the smashed potato wagon.

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You can choose from a few options each week and I usually pick the chicken or fish recipes because I’m not a big red meat eater.

But you can check out a ton of the Blue Apron Recipes here to get an idea of how many different cuisines and the variety of dishes they offer.


I want to make ramen next time!

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Blue Apron Sale for RER Readers:

Blue Apron is offering the first 25 RER readers three FREE meals on their first order. <- use that link to sign up

Question: What’s for dinner tonight??

Me: I think super easy quesadillas… which seems kind of anti-climactic after those meals.


This post is sponsored by Blue Apron. All opinions are my own.

The post Blue Apron Perfect Timing appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

28 June 2016

My 8 Week Body Transformation Before & After Pics | How I Lost Weight Fast

The pictures on the left were taken 8 weeks ago. Back in April I committed to shaping up after winter, but I had NO IDEA just how much I had slacked off. (…whoa, Josie). I hereby nominate myself to be the poster child for how fitness has its ups and down. Despite being consistent with my workouts in the winter, my food choices were less than ideal due to the holidays, and also because of Gracie’s competition schedule that required me to travel and eat out a lot.2016 before after front view2

On the day that I snapped my before pics, when I saw the reality of how I had slacked off, I was honestly feeling down and disappointed in myself. I had a pity party for about 24 hours, received encouragement from my wonderful family, and then quickly refocused to take charge and get it all together.

2016 before after side view

I knew what it was going to take to whip myself back into shape WITHOUT dieting. I went into the next 8 weeks like a warrior princess hell-bent on reclaiming my body. And I did just that!

Here is my video that goes into details on why I gained weight, how I was able to quickly lose the weight, what workouts I did, the food choices I made, my Intermittent Fasting technique, and how to bounce back when you screw up on your weight loss journey.


Relentless Jake’s Youtube channel

Video: Why You Don’t Need Flat Tummy Tea

Yum Yucky’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Video Playlist: Easy Dance Workouts to Lose Weight

Subscribe to Yum Yucky on Youtube

For all the mommies out there who need some encouragement: I’m 43 years old. I have 4 kids (3 of them were by c-section). My kids are ages 23, 20, 11 & 7. I’m also a grandmother to a 21-month old little girl. I am not a special case when I comes to all this weight loss stuff. There is no difference between you and I. Just dig deep and pull out the unrelenting determination you already possess to get it done!  

The post My 8 Week Body Transformation Before & After Pics | How I Lost Weight Fast appeared first on Yum Yucky.

Want to Meet My New Best Friend / Sidekick / Love???!

Before I introduce you to my new FAVORITE thing I want to say hello to the lil ducks. They are so cute! I’ll probably fall tomorrow looking for them instead of looking at the sidewalk in front of me, but it’s the price you pay for cuteness. The lil duck mom always tries to rush them away when I stop to look at them so I have to stop and enjoy the view super quick. I’m not even that close to them, but she doesn’t trust me. I don’t blame her.

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I know you’re supposed to eat your colors but I feel like Cauliflower Rice and Chicken is not colorful yet still pretty healthy.  I get tons of greens and reds and various other colors from fruits and veggies. So this bland looking meal is okay with me.

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This morning I am doing a tempo run. It’s a good way to get faster without having to torture yourself on the track (at least that’s what I tell myself). Here’s an easy to follow 5 mile tempo run:

marathon training tempo run

How to do it: Warm up with an easy pace mile. Run the tempo miles at half marathon pace if you’re training for a full marathon. You can also run it at a 6 to 7 effort if you don’t know what pace. Cool down with a mile at the end.


Want to know why I am so excited!?!?!?!!!

I now present my new running partner….


No, not Vegas. He is not super into running or really doing anything. I keep trying to get him to read Women’s Running but he insists he’s not a woman so it’s not applicable to him.

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I got a Garmin 235 Running Watch! After a lot of peer pressure from my running friends I bought a new running gps watch because it’s just the easiest to use and I’m very set in my ways. My first running watch was a Garmin-o and I used it until it literally fell off my disgusting sweaty wrist.

Anyway I needed something that gave me a breakdown of my pace at the end of each mile which my Tom Tom Running Watch didn’t do. I’m really bad at pacing so I need that extra little info.  So this watch will be my new best friend and I shall name him Garmin-o (just like the first one because I’m not original).

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Question: Any bets on when I fall again?

Last time was in Florida.

The post Want to Meet My New Best Friend / Sidekick / Love???! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.