26 September 2016

Stages of a Long Run

Training for a half marathon or marathon? You’re probably familiar with the ups and downs of doing a long run. It’s totally normal to love running one second and hate it the next. Mid-run I love the taste of mocha gu, but it’s probably gross to just have as a snack. Running is weird. And awesome.

Check out the ups and downs and ups again of the long run…

long run breakdown funny

Pre-run: Coffee time!! Let’s do this. Coffee. Banana. PB. Eat sip eat.

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Mile 1: Feel a little tight, just need to warm up.

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Mile 2: Okay, feeling good! Nice and loose this is going to be fun!!

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Mile 3: When am I supposed to take gu? How much am I supposed to drink with it??

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Mile 4: “’Cause we’re young and we’re reckless We’ll take this way too far It’ll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar…”

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Mile 5: I feel great! I’m rocking this!!

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Mile 5.5: Nope. nope nope nope

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Mile 6: Ahhh, crap CHAFING. This is going to burn later…

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Mile 7: Mmmm, this gu is really good! What flavor is this?

I should take a selfie! (notices I have gu on my face during selfie snapping)

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Mile 8: Pancakes with blueberries or bananas?  Ooooh, bananas and chocolate chips.

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Mile 9: *Remembers that time I was super sunburnt and covered myself in lotion and everyone at Starbucks thought I was super sweaty. I’m the worst”

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Mile 9.5: Downhill! Woooo-hooo!!! I’m so fast.

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Mile 10: Ugh this gu is disgusting. Everything is chafing. My legs are tired. My eyelashes are tired…

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Mile 11: No seriously, I quit. I don’t care if I can’t get a refund on the race. I don’t even care. I don’t care!


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Mile 12: ‘Second wind!! My an anaconda don’t want none…’

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Mile 13: I RAN 13 MILES!!!!!!!! I am a beast! Do not f with me! I run the world.

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Post-run: I’m hungry. No, I’m sore. Ugh I’m tired. My shower needs a chair. Can I eat in the shower?

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Question: How did your run or race go this weekend?

The post Stages of a Long Run appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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