28 September 2016

2 Ways to do Egg Toast

Hello! How’s your running and eating going this week? Today’s run was just okay, but the eats were pretty awesome.

I did 6 miles at a slow pace and some strength work after. I need a good long stretch now. I just feel so tight!

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Then, it was breakfast time! I’m all about the fancy toast this week…

I made two versions of fancy egg toast using Sabra’s Sandwich Spreads. I’m working with them to let you know about their new line of spreads. It’s a fresh, lower-fat, gluten free option to use instead of mayo. Boom.

When I got them I tried all of the flavors straight up, on a cracker and with some deli turkey to choose my favorite. They’re all really good. I love how garlic-y the garlic herb one is and the honey mustard is great with the chicken fingers I had the other day.

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When I tasted the sea salt & black pepper I knew immediately it would be great in deviled eggs. You wouldn’t even need to add anything else!

But I ended up putting that idea on hold and making two versions of egg toast for breakfast.

egg toast 2 ways

Last week I made a bunch of hard boiled eggs to have on hand for a quick meal to to add to salads. I used two for breakfast this morning. Meal-prepping small things like this make it so much easier to throw together food fast.

I toasted a piece of whole wheat bread and sliced the egg right on top. Then, I spread a thick layer of the Sea Salt & Black Pepper sandwich spread and gave it a good squeeze of Sriracha. The spread is so flavorful you don’t need any extra seasoning. Boom.

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Next time I’d put the spread right on the toast

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Last week I made a sunny side up egg version of the toast. It’s just a thick layer of spread, a perfectly runny egg and Sriracha. Boom.

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What is it about runny eggs?! They are so delicious and so pretty. I love ‘em!!

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I’ve seen the new spreads at my local Ralph’s super market near the guacamole and hummus. Keep an eye out for them. Check out more on Sabra here.

I’m also still obsessed with mangoes. They are perfection right now. Try one (or two) today!

massive mangos (450x800)

And to continue the tasty day I went out to lunch! I needed to treat myself after a doctor’s appointment. You should treat yourself too so I’m not the only one and feel guilty about it…thanks.

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Question: What is your favorite thing to put on toast –

PB / Avocado / Runny Egg / Nutella / Caramel Sauce…

This post is in partnership with Sabra. All opinions are my own.

The post 2 Ways to do Egg Toast appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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