19 September 2016

What Kind of Treats Do Mexican Dogs Like?

Hello! Happy Monday! I think I’ll call it Medal Monday today in honor of the runner instagram tradition to share your medal pics. I don’t have any new race medals to share, but Vegas was sleeping against this wall right now and I took a picture. Then, I realized the poster was coming off the wall and I should probably frame it.

 running medal wall 2 (450x800)

running medal wall 1 (450x800)

And finally I realized that I’ve put more than just race medals on my medal hanger. I spy some press passes and other event identification on the hanger too. I want to keep them, but don’t have anywhere else to put ‘em right now.  Not worried about it.

running medal wall (450x800)

This morning I woke up bright and early. I took a rest day since I ran long yesterday.

Since I was in the mood to move I did the Dirty 30 workout from 21 Day Fix .

Then, I made breakfast while enjoying this apple-banana from my mom’s neighbor.

apple bananas from neighbor (450x800)

I made eggs and then took a lil Sunday morning walk with Ben to get coffee and the most almond covered pastry of your life.

all the almonds dessert (800x450)

sunday mornign coffee (800x450)

Ben likes almonds.

I like coffee.

I wonder what Mexican dogs like?  (This isn’t an inappropriate joke.)

Apparently some dogs like Chipotle flavored treats… now you know.

treats for mexican dogs (450x800)

Fun fact: When I took Roxy to puppy training I had to fill out a form asked “Breed of your dog?”

I answered: Mixican. Get it? Because she’s a mix and she’s Mexican. And the trainer actually put that on her form! Ha!

The Roxican watched me bake at my mom’s yesterday. I didn’t get those dog treats because I’m not super interested in cleaning up dog barf though.

baking for fall blog (800x450)

I also spent some good time with the other pups.

lifestyle ca blog 3 (450x800)

After a Saturday filled with running and baking and relaxing I decided to take it easy Sunday and have a few adult bevs with a friend. It’s good for you.

sunday orange county

Question: What was the best thing you did this weekend?

Me: It’s hard to decide! I’m going to say baked at my parent’s and cuddled with all the dogs.

The post What Kind of Treats Do Mexican Dogs Like? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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