2 September 2016

Non-Running Items I NEED For Half and Full Marathon Training

A list of surprising things I use during marathon and half marathon training. These are everyday items that I’ve come to need when I run. Do you use anything random like this during training or running?

Hello! How’s it going? Over here it was going great until… I saw a SNAKE on my run. What the heck.

I was just running along listening to a  podcast when I spotted a big thing moving across the path a little ways up. I couldn’t recognize it at first because it was the same color as the gravel but as I got closer I realized it was a pretty big snake moving fast across the path. I stopped in my tracks running shoes and had a mini-heart attack.

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Then, I recovered and tried to catch my breath and let my heart rate go down as I updated Instagram. The people had to know!


Post-run I made a super thick green smoothie. The key to thickness is eating a lot of pizza. The key to thickness in a smoothie is a lot of ice and frozen spinach.

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This weekend during my long run I snapped a picture of some of my mid-run fuel – Ricola drops. This reminded me that I’ve been meaning to share a list of the things I use while running all the time – but these aren’t really running specific items or considered running gear.

These are everyday kind of things that I NEED while running. It’s kind of random, but I use them all the time. Check it out and let me know if you use anything that’s not runner specific, but helps you run too!

Non-RunningMust Haves (2)

Non-Running Items I Use During Half & Full Marathon Training

– Paper towels.

Why –> My nose runs when I run. This is actually a fairly common problem for runners. But, I am not good at snot rockets. So I always have a paper towel tucked somewhere to wipe my mocos while running.

Yeah, sometimes runners Monicans are gross. Running isn’t pretty, but it’s pretty awesome.

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Ricola cough drops.

Why –> I like that they make my throat feel all clear and fresh. It opens up my air passages and gives me a tiny kick of sugar.

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– Beach towel

Why –> I am the sweatiest sweaty runner of your life. Trust me. When I drive somewhere to run I need a big beach towel to cover my car seat for the way home.


Why –> Running takes a lot out of you! Spark is my favorite energy drink. I sip this mid-morning during the week to help avoid a mid-day slump – I’m a lot more fatigued during marathon training so this really helps. I’ve also been known to drink it to rehydrate right after a run.

(They also sell a Rehydrate drink that’s good, but I always have Spark around so I usually just use that.)

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*My favorite flavors are fruit punch and mango strawberry.

– Spray sunblock

Why –> I use spray sunblock to make sure I get the part in my hair. This can be an overlooked area when applying sunblock!

– Ginger chews

Why –> Ginger is great for settling your stomach. And ginger chews have sugar and ginger so it’s a good option to settle my stomach before a race.

– Vitamins

Why –> Training for a race requires you to really push yourself. You are doing things an athlete does – so you need to treat yourself like an athlete. This includes getting enough rest and eating well. Although I do eat healthy, my diet is not perfect so to make sure I’m getting in vitamins I take a supplement.

– Watermelon

Why –> It makes me happy. Oh, and it’s good for you.

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But mainly because I deserve something delicious after all that running!

And the #1 running / training NEED:  Ice cream.

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Question: Do you use anything that isn’t specifically meant for running when you run?

The post Non-Running Items I NEED For Half and Full Marathon Training appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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