22 September 2016

The unhealthiness cycle.

Thanks for all your support on being back at this, on being back on this whole push for healthiness. It feels utterly ridiculous that here I am again because I KNOW what I need to do. This whole unhealthiness thing just feels like a cycle.


Every day I wake up with good intentions. Those good intentions last an hour. Or three. Or maybe until lunch time and then I get pulled into 4 straight hours of meetings. Today, I inhaled my lunch at 1:45pm in a 6 minute window of time between two meetings, while trying to answer questions from my boss who just got back from traveling.

Please tell me. How do you make this work? I have about 1 hour in my evening when I could possible sneak in a workout and that’s the one hour that I could possible sit down with Carlos and have some 1:1 time with him. Or I could clean a bathroom. Or read. Or play Candy Crush. Lord have mercy.

I just feel like I’m spinning my wheels. I feel like my cheeks are suffocating my face.


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