21 September 2016


Goals Quotes

For most of the summer, I felt like utter crap. I tried, and I tried, and I tried to run, and it sucked. Or I said eff it, I don’t want to do this, and I didn’t run at all.

I’d said here earlier in the year I was running Richmond. I’d told friends and family and coworkers, and after not finishing Brooklyn, I didn’t want to say I wasn’t going to/couldn’t run Richmond.

But on Labor Day weekend, after not being able to run without feeling nauseous for most of the summer, I finally asked Jess what she thought. I knew in my heart what I should do but needed to hear it from someone else. “I think you need to figure out this sinus stuff without having to worry about marathon training,” she said.

And I both felt a weight lifted and sad all at the same time. For the past few weeks, I’ve felt something off making fall plans, seeing people’s Instagrams. Fall just means long runs to me, and usually marathons.

But then I started wondering if I’d lost my ability to run forever. I kept thinking if I should find another race or not. I started thinking about the Rehoboth Marathon in December. But after feeling so crappy for most of the summer, I didn’t want to risk starting to train and feeling crappy again. 

In an unusually-zen-for-me move, I decided to let the goal go until something came to me I couldn’t say no to.

I started thinking more and more about a fall local-ish half…

and then Meredith made a fabulous suggestion, and a decision was made:

Falling Leaves Half

It’s local, it’s near the National Tennis Center, and it’s the site of my first tri — so it’s a (weirdly) special area to me. Also, it’s on the same day as Richmond, so I’ll be happy to be running a race that day.

Sometimes life throws you lemons…and you make maple syrup. Or something. 

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