6 August 2016

30 Day Yoga Challenge

Hello! How are you? I am good! But, I am not bendy. I want to be bendy though! (By ‘bendy’ I mean flexible.) So, I am doing a 30 day yoga challenge. Do you want to join me? I don’t want to tell you what to do, but you should totally join me. It’s good for you.

30 day yoga challenge

I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. I always talk about yoga, but I don’t actually do yoga. And unfortunately talking about something doesn’t give you the benefits of actually doing it (I know because I tried this with talking about dieting while eating ice cream and I still gained weight).


I need to do yoga because:

A.) I don’t stretch after running (if I do it’s for 5 minutes and just my IT band).

B.) I have thyroid issues and those are sometimes connected to your adrenal system. Calming meditation and yoga are good for the adrenal system.

C.) Running can be considered a stressful type of exercise on your body and yoga is a calming one to balance that out.

D.) Challenging yoga is a good strength exercise to go along with all the cardio I do running.

E.) I have tons of yoga pants that have never been to yoga.

So it just came to me this morning and I thought – if you can break a bad habit in 21 days (or 30 depending on who you ask) you should be able to make a good habit in 30 days! And I decided to do yoga for 30 days to make it a part of my life.

After a 6 mile recovery run I googled ‘yoga sun salutations’ and chose this easy and short yoga session on YouTube.


It was a really good stretch session, but I want a good mix of stretching and strength training type yoga over the course of the next 30 days.

I’m going to aim to do yoga for at least 30 minutes everyday for the next 30 days. I don’t expect myself to do it everyday for the rest of my life, but I do want to make it a part of my routine and end up practicing yoga a couple times a week. I need it!

If you want to join me I thought up a few options for how to do the yoga challenge. You can do it everyday for the next 30 along with me or you could set your own goal like “I will do yoga 10 times over the next 30 days.”

how to yoga 30 day challenge

For option #3 there are a lot of options on Pinterest for a 30 day yoga challenge. There are images with different yoga poses you can do each day. Aim to do the pose that goes along with day 1 on day 1 and then on day 2 do the poses from days 1 & 2 and add on so that by the end you are doing 30 different poses!

30 day yoga challenge calendar

(source: SkinnyMom)

Post yoga I had a green smoothie with nuts on top and then headed to a shift and the pantry. (It’s vanilla shakeology with ice, almond milk, spinach.)

green smoothie walk (450x800)

Green smoothies and yoga?!

I’m going to be a hippie and move to Morro Bay in no time! (Did I ever tell you that I talk about moving to Morro Bay all the time? I don’t know why or how it started but I’ve told a bunch of people that I’m going to retire there or move there and do yoga and open a bed & breakfast – the details vary a tiny bit depending on the day.)

yoga goals

I’m off to check out Groupon deals for yoga sessions! See you later!

Question: Are you in for the yoga challenge? What is your goal for the next 30 days?

The post 30 Day Yoga Challenge appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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