14 October 2016

Do You Know Your Fitness Code?

Hi! I have an awesome giveaway from FITCODE today. But first let’s talk about running and stuff…

This morning I did an easy 4 mile shake out and 21 day fix Pilates. This is not my favorite workout in the series, but it’s good to keep changing it up. I just don’t feel it ‘working’. I’m sure it’s my form that’s lacking.

youre okay im okay (450x800)

Before I went running I had some watermelon. I made it all disappear except for one seed that I found later…

random watermelon seed (450x800)

It was a short run, but I did spot this GORGEOUS flower while I was out there. It was so bright and colorful – this picture doesn’t do it justice.

the prettiest flower (450x800)

The other day at Trader Joe’s I spotted these Sacha Inchi Seeds. They looked super interesting and the nutrition stats are pretty good!

sanchi seeds 5 (450x800)

Fairly comparable to other nuts…

sanchi seeds 2 (450x800)

Here’s the nutrition information for almonds to compare:

almond nutrition info

But I don’t think they’re as good as almonds (or cashews). They are a little chalky in a way? But I store my nuts in the freezer to make them even crunchier so maybe after a while in there will make it a little more my jam.

sancha seeds 1 (450x800) sanchi seeds (450x800)

In other random snack news – I wanted hominy so I bought some. It only comes in huge cans!

hominy (450x800)

Vegas wants to say ‘hi’ in his own ‘I’m ignoring you, but I want you to know I’m ignoring you’ way…

vegas chilling (450x800)

FITCODE Giveaway

FITCODE is a DNA test that analyzes your genes which have been identified as influencing specific fitness-related responses. It can tell you how fast you recover from a hard workout, if you are potentially better suited for endurance vs power exercise, details on your joints and more.


I am very interested in my health, fitness, recovery and pre-disposition to certain strengths/weaknesses in my body so I am excited to see what the test says.

I think I have a good idea of how my body responds to endurance exercise vs explosive and how it recovers from exercise, but I’m curious if my FITCODE report will confirm those suspicions. I’m also curious about the metabolism info – especially with my thyroid issues, I suspect it’s a little sluggish. (Speaking of slow metabolisms, this info would be a piece of the entire pie of info that is my body/thyroid issues.)

And I appreciate that the letter that comes with the results reminds you that genes are complicated and this is a new science – so it’s not perfect and it does not define you. But it can give you an idea of where you can push yourself and where you should nurture yourself a little more.

Example of results (not mine):


This is my lil profile. I have to swab my cheek for 30 seconds, put it in a special bag and then mail it off to them.

dna fitness test (800x450)

FitCODE has offered one RER reader kit to get their own genetic fitness assessment!

dna fitness test 1 (800x450)

Open to residents of Earth (I’m mailing the prize to you, but you may have to pay extra shipping if you are outside the US).

Closes 10/16/16 12pm PST. Leave a comment on this post to enter.

Question: Do you think your body is more prone to Sprinting  or  Endurance?

(If you don’t want to enter the contest you can just note that in the comment.)

FitCODE kit provided by ORIG3N. All opinions are my own.

The post Do You Know Your Fitness Code? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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