24 October 2016

Mexican Meal Prep

Hello! How are you doing today? I’m good  after a very jam packed weekend.

Saturday after my run I relaxed a bit and then headed to Palm Springs to spend some quality time with my favorite friend.

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The weather was perfection (at least to me). We sipped coconut rum by the pool.

The best thing about coconut rum is that you can enjoy it straight up if you don’t have mixers. But if you want to make a fancy drink (and slow down your alcohol consumption) try my Skinny Rum Punch.

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We went hopping around town a bit and it was a blast. I don’t have many pics from the night –that’s how you know it was a great time Winking smile  Either there are tons of embarrassing pics on your phone OR no pics at all. Am I right?

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This is the one picture I have from the night – a bathroom photo-shoot. You know, just keeping it classy.

Also, yes I am wearing sad flats for a few reasons: A.) My best friend is four feet tall, maybe 4”3. So, even in heels I tower over her. B.) I ran 18 miles Sat morning and wasn’t super into dealing with heels. C.) I have given up on myself.

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I woke up with this lil keychain that someone gave me at some point. So random.

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I decided to leave town super early to beat traffic. On the way home I grabbed some breakfast so I could attack it as soon as I got there.

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Palm Springs is always a good idea.

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After a little bit of winding down I headed to my parent’s house for a visit.

My niece was there too so we played ‘I’ll do whatever you want because you’re so cute’. It’s her favorite game to play with me.

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All the pups!

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My dad also did some Mexican Meal Prep. This is how we do…

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He even had bacon wrapped hot dogs. This is a LA tradition. Kinda sorta.

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The Mikkster gives the fiesta two thumbs up. The puppies are just waiting for an opportunity to lick her…

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Roxy partied too hard and is sleeping it off now…

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Question: Have you had a bacon wrapped hot dog?

What was the BEST thing you did or ate this weekend?

Me: I’m not super big on bacon or hot dogs, but I’ve shared a few bacon wrapped dogs with friends after going out in Los Angeles. There are guys that sell them on the street outside of clubs.

The post Mexican Meal Prep appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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