26 October 2016

My Mom’s Secret TV Career

I mentioned last week that my mom and I had filmed this for work, and that I did. not. like. how I looked in the video. To be honest, I still freaking don’t, at all, but this is not about me. This is about my beautiful strong mom, and how not only did she overcome cancer, but she SLAYED this interview. Like, to the point I asked her if she’d had a secret TV career I never knew about.

I don’t take for granted a day how lucky we were that she was able to come out of such a tough experience on the other side — and I don’t take for granted my amazing coworkers (AND our DB community) who are such special people. I don’t know how I didn’t cry when we filmed this (I think I just stared down JD, our host,) but as I saw the beautiful comments come through our live chat this morning, I was so overcome with emotion.

Even if you don’t watch it (but please do!) — remember this: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. It was almost this exact time last year, and my mom was about to come in to watch me run the marathon and knew she didn’t feel right but wouldn’t take no for answer until they got to the bottom of it.

Thank you, too, to all of YOU who supported me through this tough time over the past year.

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