3 October 2016

The Best Part of Going Out Is Actually

Hello! How’s it going? I did a lot of running and eating this weekend. It’s my favorite. And I also made time to go out so I’m pretty proud of myself for rallying even though I wanted to be lazy.

First let’s talk running…

I am obsessed with TJ’s Pumpkin Butter so I had that to start my day.

running blog oct 1 (800x450)

I had a good run Saturday and a great run Sunday. Even though my legs were tired I felt speedy and strong. It was the best!!

running blog oct 16 (800x450) running blog oct 4 (600x800) running blog oct 3 (450x800) running blog oct 6 (800x450)

Saturday night my bff came over and we got ready to go out together.

I put out a spread of snacks to go along with our drinks. This was a random mix of all my post-run cravings. Yep, I totally went to the store hungry – busted!

running blog oct 14 (800x450)

Does anyone else feel like getting ready with your friends is 60% of the fun of going out??

We listened to music, drank, laughed and got votes on our outfits. This is my favorite part of the night!

I was considering this black dress but thought it was a little ‘too much’ for where we were going.

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So I went with this polka dot dress instead.

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We had some fancy cocktails. It was a great night.

running blog oct 9 (450x800) running blog oct 8 (320x395)

There was the obligatory Del Taco stop on the way home. I think the Del Taco guy gets a kick out of all the random people who come by in the middle of the night. So that’s why I go just to say ‘hi’ it has nothing to do with the crinkle fries Winking smile

post drinking food taco bell good food

The next morning I got up bright and early because my body refuses to sleep in – even though we went to sleep after 3am. What the heck body clock?! I decided to go for a run and it was a great one.

When I got back I made a fancy breakfast spread for Cindy. She was super impressed. But I don’t know if that is saying much though because she doesn’t cook at all. (I’m not sure she knows how to make PB&J actually!)

running blog oct 2 (450x800)

Question: What is the best part of hanging out with your favorite friend?

The post The Best Part of Going Out Is Actually appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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