6 October 2016

Towing and TBT

Hello! How’s it going? Over here it going good but yesterday was kind of hectic. Before we get into the good and bad of it I have a little #TBT to share.

This is me at Knott’s Berry Farm circa 1990. Ha! So random. Lil Monican.

tbt blog (450x800)

Okay now for my day…

I had a really great run yesterday morning! I did 10 miles and the first 5 were slow (per usual) but the second half of the run was speedy and felt good! Love that. I was digging the runner’s high for the rest of the day.

running blog oct 17 (450x800)

I am also digging these Puffins. Ben bought a bunch of random things the other day – ice cream, Puffins, beer, floss… you know, basic essentials.

I don’t know if I love when he goes to the grocery store or hate it.

tbt cereal (450x800)

When I went to the store I bought a MASSIVE mango.

It was so big and heavy it was 5x as big as a regular mango. All for me.

worlds largest mango (800x450)

And I’m working on a few ground turkey recipes so I used some of the leftover ground turkey for lunch.

I make the most random salads, but I love them.

turkey on a salad (800x450)

Okay… so long story short – the car Ben has been borrowing got towed last night. It happens. Except he realized this in the morning and had to get to work so he took my car and I said I would try and get the towed car.

Well, that was a challenge because I am not the registered owner. There was a work-around I managed to figure out but it took a while and the whole thing cost a lot of money. Boo.

On the bright side, the tow truck guy was super nice and moved the car out of the lot when he could tell that I was going to bump into every other car on the way out. I’m great at driving just not parking (or managing my cuss words while driving).

And in spite of my tragic parking skills he gave me a nice compliment. I noted this because it’s the MOST RANDOM compliment and yet I’ve heard the exact same thing before. So weird to hear the same super odd observance more than once. Maybe one day when I’m buzzed I’ll share it with the class.

The moral of the story is: I was not about to cook dinner after waiting at the tow lot to get everything sorted out for 2 hours.

The other moral is: You can fix a lot of situations by being nice and asking for help.

car towed (450x800)

So I grabbed Thai food on the way home and filled up my wine glass like my life depended on it. Maybe my life didn’t depend on it, but my sanity did.

taper time running blog 7 (450x800) pad thai dinner (800x450)

Question: On a scale of 1 to 10 – how good are you at PARKING??

1 = park like a drunk 3 year old

10 = you can parallel park with your eyes closed

Has your car ever been towed?

Do you love Thai food?

The post Towing and TBT appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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