30 October 2016

Pile on the Miles Challenge 2016

Hello! It’s time for the annual Pile on the Miles Challenge!! Are you excited?!

This challenge helps keep us working out and piling on miles NOT pounds as we get into the holiday season (aka eating season). The point is for you to set a goal that will help you stay active this month. It can be to workout for a certain number of days, minutes, times a week – anything that helps you stay fit.

pile on the miles logo

The first one was in 2009 and I won 2nd place for the most miles. I took it over in 2010 and would LOVE for you to participate.

What: FREE Online challenge to move more during turkey month.

Who: Everyone is invited to join. Everywhere around the world!

When: November 1 – Nov 28

Where: RunEatRepeat.com

Sign up on this form below and come back to RunEatRepeat.com everyday in November to stay accountable and be entered in a drawing for prizes.

Why: Challenge yourself and encourage others to move more this month. This is about setting a goal and staying accountable with daily check-ins. It is NOT a competition for the most miles any longer – it’s about YOUR GOALS.

Why part 2: There are awesome prizes every day!!


pile on the miles rules

The Rules:

1. Sign up by completing this form.

You can fill it out via the link or on the form embedded in this post. There will be a place for your name, email and goal for the month. Signing up makes you eligible to win the prizes but you must check in at the end of each post with a comment on how you did to be eligible for that day’s  prize. (If you miss a day you  miss that contest but you’re still able to check-in the rest of the days.)

2. Set a goal to WALK or RUN or MOVE x amount of miles or minutes in November. These could be miles OR a set time on the treadmill OR outside/inside walking or running or cycling… Do your favorite exercise!


I will run 50 miles in November!

I will take a 30 minute walk each day!

I will go to Pilates 3 times a week!

I will walk my neighbor’s dog when they’re at work and hopefully they won’t call the cops again…

3.  Leave a comment on RunEatRepeat.com  each day from the 1st to the 26th to check-in for that day.

Comments on those posts will be entered into that day’s giveaway. You can have a rest day or a day that you needed ‘off’ but you must check-in and be accountable to be entered to win.

If it’s a non-workout day you can check in with a “Rest Day” or “I’m tragic and slept in” or “I have a hangover the flu, send help” comment – it’s about staying honest and on track overall.

We’re looking for progress NOT perfection – so check in everyday no matter what to keep the momentum going!!

We are starting Tuesday as Day 1 of the challenge. Set your goal today and check in Tuesday to join in on the contest and first day of check-ins!

Update social media with #RERMiles to check-in and keep others pumped up! Go go gooooo!!

You can invite your friends, family and followers to join too! Share this image and encourage them to pile on the miles too! There are AWESOME GIVEAWAYS and an opportunity to stay accountable in a tempting time of year.

pile on the miles logo 1

You can use this to add it as a widget:

<a href=”http://ift.tt/1GJUCcJ src=”http://ift.tt/2eV2xeu” width=”250″></a>

Question: What is your Pile on the Miles goal this year?

Me: Run 40 miles a week.

The post Pile on the Miles Challenge 2016 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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