28 October 2016

Why I Stopped Trying to BQ (for a while at least)

Hi! How are you? I made a video to share a little insight on my running life. I got a question asking if I plan to try and PR or BQ and the timing is perfect because I’ve been looking into getting a running coach. But I wanted to address why I kind of fell off the PR running wagon for a while. It’s just my side of a complicated story so I made it a vlog because it was easier to explain that way.

Before we go there I want to share my favorite person, eats and race good luck…

It’s Mikk’s birthday. I love her so much. She gives me two thumbs up (if I ask). I’m her Nina and she’s my favorite.

thumbs up mk (640x360)

I keep forgetting to blog about these pumpkin cookies. They are so good! I need to stop eating them and start writing about ‘em.

easy pumpkin cookies recipe 11 (800x450)

Good luck to everyone running the Marine Corps Marathon this weekend! It was one of my favorite races ever! The crowds are awesome. Running around the landmarks in DC is amazing. It’s so patriotic and reminds you to feel proud to be American. Enjoy it and have fun!!

(If you are running MCM this weekend here are my tips for the race. )

marine corps marathon 2013

VLOG – Why I Gave Up on Running Faster (for a while)

fitness blog sept 22

I made a video because it’s kind of a long story of how… I was trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon, but I failed and then something happened that made me stop trying to run fast for a while. (It wasn’t an injury or health issue but knocked me down just as hard.)

My personal life affected my running because it was such a big deal. Everything changed the day after a marathon and then I used running to help me cope. This is just my side of the story so I kept it brief, but it had a big impact on my running. I’m totally open to talking about it, but I want navigate this in a way that’s fair for both Ben and myself. I might need some grace in figuring that out. Thank you.

Now let’s talk about my running plans going forward!!!

Things mentioned in the video:

OC Marathon Results / Recap (2013)

Santa Rosa Marathon Results / Recap

Ventura Marathon Results / Recap

Me not knowing what to say after the break 

How I’m Dealing…

Question: What are you doing this weekend?

The post Why I Stopped Trying to BQ (for a while at least) appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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