21 October 2016

Friday Favorites

Hello from the seventh circle of hell, aka Penn Station. But my laptop and I are snuggled up in a corner, so it’s all good. I’m waiting for my friends, and we’re taking the train upstate to Hudson, NY to do fall things.

My train isn’t till 2:30 but I chose to take the whole day off instead of a half day. I have approximately a gazillion PTO days left (like I just started dipping into THIS year’s earlier this month), and sometimes it’s just easier to take the whole day off than rush around and try to cram a whole day into a half day.

So let’s talk about some things I’m lovin’ right now.

Lilly Pulitzer fantasy car

Pretty sure I need this Lilly car. Big hat tip to my friend Blake for sending. I wouldn’t get run over in NYC with this, right?!

Still one of the best bags I’ve ever purchased.

This iPhone hack to stop you from looking at your phone a million times a day

This video about a woman who showed up to first dates in her wedding dress


Kayla’s great post about fitness going from novelty to routine. I’m happy to say I feel the same exact way — something I never expected!

And finally — this Finding Dory Trina Turk swimsuit I ordered for Australia, because I’m an adult. Speaking of Australia, it’s just 68 days away!! CANNOT WAIT.

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