23 October 2016

The Great Wheel and Nutella vs Pumpkin

Hello! Just wanted to stop in really fast and share some weekend fun. I went to a comedy show, ran a lot and ate epic fancy cheesecake. I don’t even like cheesecake, but it had nutella so I had to have some.

Friday night Ben and I saw Whitney Cummings at the Improv. She was funny, which is good because it’s a comedy show.

long run blog oct 15 (640x360)

The improv has a 2 drink minimum so you kinda are pressured to get a buzz. My guess is that helps with making the comedians seem funnier. (They have non-alcohol options and food.)

The point is I spotted this Red Headed Comic shot on the menu. I’ve heard of a shot called a Red Headed something before but it wasn’t comic. Do you know what I’m talking about?

red headed comic (360x640)

I went with the Oatmeal Cookie shot, but it tasted too much like Fireball. I don’t really like Fireball and it doesn’t get me drunk at all. I am immune to it or something so it’s a waste. Buuuuttt, I was sipping it – maybe if you shoot it fast it tastes like a cookie?

oatmeal cookie shot (360x640)

After the show we rode the “Giant Wheel”. It’s a ferris wheel but for whatever reason they call it a giant wheel. The ticket counter girl said it’s because it’s bigger and a ferris wheel, but I don’t think it seems that big.

I have wanted to ride this for years now. It’s always lit up so pretty at night and I pass it all the time. It was fun to cross it off my lil bucket list. It’s one of the ‘one and done’ kinda things that I probably won’t do again but I’m glad I got the chance.

long run blog oct 13 (640x360)

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On the way to the car we saw Yogurtland and stopped in for a little bit. Have you tasted the new pumpkin mousse flavor? I liked it, but didn’t love it. The mango is amazing though.

But, the real grand finale was Cheesecake Factory. We had already decided to get a fancy piece for home and had to stick with the plan. It was National Pumpkin Cheesecake day, but I’m not big on non-chocolate dessert so we went with some fancy nutella crunch piece.

long run blog oct 6 (640x360)

I had a taste when we got home and saved the rest for the next day. It was delicious, but I would always rather have cake than cheesecake. So if you’re keeping track .–> chocolate > pumpkin and cake > cheesecake  in Monican’s world. Thank you.

long run blog oct 5 (640x360)

Saturday morning I got up before the sun for a long run. I ended up running 18 miles at a 8:45 pace. I’m happy with that since Long Beach was only two weekends ago. I do need to work on a long term plan for training but wasn’t sure how I’d feel coming off Long Beach. So far so good, but I need to spend some quality time stretching today!

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long run blog oct 2 (360x640)

arm bugs (360x640)

long run blog oct 1 (360x640)

Now I’ve got to clean and be productive for a bit before I can mess around again and go see my family!

Hope you’re having an amazing Nutella cheesecake filled weekend too!

Question: Pumpkin or Nutella?

The post The Great Wheel and Nutella vs Pumpkin appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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