17 October 2016

Taking My Mom Running Shoe Shopping

Hi! How are you? I’m over here just dancing in the rain!! I woke up to realize it was lightly drizzling here in Orange County and got excited. It never rains! So I had to take advantage by stomping around and getting wet.

running in the rain blogger

What is it about running in the rain that just feels so badass? I love it.

But, I know I wouldn’t love it if I had to do it all the time. This is like a ‘treat’ – is that weird?

Since it happens so rarely running in the rain feels refreshing and exciting. It also makes me feel kinda tough. Anyone else??

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There’s a super pretty tree covered in pink flowers I pass all the time. It’s slowly starting to lose it’s flowers. Luckily, they look just as pretty on the ground as up on the branches.

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I did 8 miles at a slow pace catching up on podcasts. It was a good run in perfect cool, drizzly weather.

But just a little reminder about running in the rain in Southern California:

People love to say that people in CA don’t know how to drive in the rain. This is because there are always so many accidents when it rains.

But, I think this is because all the oil residue from the cars on the streets builds up with a lack of rain. Then, when it finally does get wet it’s very slick. The combination of VERY slick roads and people who don’t drive in the rain often = accidents.

What does this have to do with running?

Two things =

1.) The sidewalks and running paths can be similarly slick so watch your step, consider slowing down your run and be careful.

2.) People are rushing to work knowing there are accidents and might be running late on rainy days – they are not thinking about YOU. Be cautious and make sure they see you when crossing the street. Assume their mind is on other things and they are not paying attention to pedestrians.

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Pre-run I had some raspberries while finishing up a project that was due first thing today.

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Yesterday my mom came over and we went shopping for running shoes. She got new insoles from Road Runner Sports and wanted to try a new pair of running shoes.

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She likes a lot of support and cushion so I recommended that she try HOKAs. I ran in them all last year and they are amazingly light for having so much cushion. She agreed and got a pair of HOKA Bondis. I’ll let you know what she thinks, but I have a feeling she’s really going to love ‘em!

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Random PSA: Road Runner Sports is a great place to check out if you don’t know what type of running shoe you need. They can put you on a treadmill and assess your foot strike and arch for the best fit.

I saw a sign that the Laguna Hills location is having a Girl’s Night Out this week too. If you’re local and like running and girls and champagne you might want to go.

PSA ended. <- not sponsored, just my random thoughts.

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We also hit up Marshall’s where I tried to get her to buy me this, but she said  to ask Google for the money.

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Dinner was a very fancy spread of Two Buck Chuck and this Pumpkin Harvest Salad from Trader Joes.

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trader joes pumpkin salad (360x640)

This is why I love asking you questions on  Instagram , Twitter and Facebook

RER followers respond with their thoughts and I know immediately if I should try something or not (or if you want me to try something and let you know what I think). Thank you!!

There was mixed feedback on this new sparkling water alcohol. Some people like it, but most prefer the pomegranate flavor. Others said another brand is better. Good to know!!

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And finally I took some pictures for an upcoming post with HYLETE this weekend and pointed out that this pocket is for hiding candy. My photographer didn’t believe it… oh well, more candy for me.

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More watermelon for me too! Even though this watermelon had a lot of seeds I had to keep picking out. What’s that about?

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Okay, now I’m sipping Mango Spark and chopping away at my To Do list!

This is a busy time of year with races and companies looking to reach out to you guys. Between race season and the holidays there are so many things to cover! Do you feel overwhelmed too?

Question: Do you like running in the rain?

Have you tried those sparkling water drinks?

The post Taking My Mom Running Shoe Shopping appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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