18 October 2016

If You Want To Run a Half Marathon or 10k This Year plus a Race Entry GIVEAWAY

Hello! Did you make it a goal to run a half marathon, 10k or 5k this year? Well, here’s a friendly little reminder that you have to get on it TODAY. There are only 10 weeks left in 2016. Most Half Marathon training plans are 12 to 16 weeks long. You can find a 5k or 10k training plan that’s 8-10 weeks long, but that also assumes you are able to find a race to run in the last weeks of the year.

race giveaway

So, if you are in shape to dive into a training plan right now – Do it. It’s now or never if you want to run a race by the end of this year. (Okay I guess it’s not ‘now or never’ as much as it’s ‘now or next year’ but still, you get my point if you made a time specific goal.)

I get the question – ‘How do I know I’m ready to train for a half marathon (or other distance)?’ fairly often. One of the main things is to be able to run the distance of the long run for week 1. This means if your training plan has you run 5 miles on Saturday – you can do that without wanting to die and take 4 days off to recover. But every body is different so run and eat based on YOURS.

2016 Goals (640x640)

How to Run a Half, Full, 10K, 5K, around the block –  this year:

1. Be realistic with your current fitness level and choose a distance.

If you are in great shape and already running 60 minutes 5 days a week – you can do a 10k this year and jump into training this week. If you run 60 minutes several times a week and run longer on weekends you might be able to jump onto a half marathon training plan at week 8 or something.

If you are not ready to train for a half marathon right now try a 10k or 5k to get on track with running as part of your life. This builds up fitness and the habit of running regularly.

2. Find a race and sign up.

Keep in mind the date and location (especially with the holidays coming!). Make sure it’s a race you can get to (won’t be out of town), it gives you time to train, it’s a date that works for your life… etc.

Do it.

3. Find a training plan that works with your fitness, your goal distance and the time you have to train.

You might have to use a 10 week 5K training plan, but jump right into week 8 if you only have 8 weeks until the race. **Warning: Only skip training weeks if you are NOT injured (or injury prone) and in good enough shape that you can do that and don’t need to build up your fitness. You are not doing yourself a favor by skipping weeks and hurting yourself or feeling defeated because you weren’t ready for certain runs yet.**

4. Realize you might have to tweak your goals.

If you set a goal to run a certain distance this year or PR and then got injured or pregnant or got a new job or adopted 2 baby skunks or something else that interfered with running you might have to tweak your goal to be realistic and do-able in this time frame. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s better to give yourself extra time to get stronger and faster and fitter than to get injured or break your spirit and love of running. If you want to run for a long time you have to allow to ups and downs in training and life.

(If you have questions on this – leave them in the comments or email me at runeatrepeat at gmail )

Why are we talking about this?

Well, first because I know a lot of you shared big running goals for the year and it’s a good reminder to get on it!

And also because there are a lot of races coming up and if you want to play (or run) along you should sign up now.

And finally because the Lexus Lace Up Half Marathon 5k and 10k is in Ventura this weekend!!

race giveaway 2

Lexus Lace Up Southern California Race Series DISCOUNT Code

The team at the Lexus Lace Up Running Series are giving one RER reader a FREE entry to any of their races and they’re all coming up soon! Leave a comment on this post with which distance is your favorite (but you can register for whatever distance and location you’d like.)

The 30% off discount code works for the Ventura run – which is this Saturday!!

Lexus Lace Up Ventura – Oct 22 – Half Marathon / 10k / 5k / Kid’s Run (use code:  RER30Ventura)

Lexus Lace Up Palos Verdes – Nov 19 – Half Marathon / 10k / 5k

Lexus Lace Up Riverside – Dec 4 – Half Marathon / 10k / 5k

If you want to run Ventura this weekend here is a discount code for 30% off any distance!

Use code: RER30Ventura

(You can pick-up packets race morning at least 1 hour before the race.)


Run / Eat / Blog

I just ran an easy 6 miler and spent some good time stretching out. My hips are so tight it feels great to stretch.

Then, I made a green smoothie with tons of toppings and enjoyed it while Vegas gave me dirty looks. It’s like he wants to be around me, but also acts like I am so annoying…

green smoothie orange cat (360x640)

Yesterday I made Orange Chicken in the crockpot. Recipe coming soon. It came out so good!

orange chicken crockpot (640x360)

And I randomly picked up this glitter make-up at the 99 cent store last night. I got it because I thought it might be useful for my Halloween costume.

glitter for my costume (360x640)

Vegas might need some too so he can be a glittery bee!!

cat costume bee (360x640)

Lexus Lace Up Race Giveaway

To Enter for a Free Entry to Any Location and Distance:

Leave a comment on this post with which distance is your favorite (but you can register for whatever distance and location you’d like.)

(Open to all, but travel and expenses not included. Closes 10/20 12pm PST. Race entry provided by the Lexus Lace Up Team all opinions are my own.)

The post If You Want To Run a Half Marathon or 10k This Year plus a Race Entry GIVEAWAY appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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