15 April 2016

How I’m Dealing

Hello! How are you? I’ve had a little bit of a rough week dealing with some personal stuff. It happens. I am really trying to stay positive and happy so I do a few things to keep from just feeling bad for myself when I’m having a challenging time.

me dealing with life

How I’m Dealing…

1. Talking, kinda… I feel like What’s App is genius when you’re going through a rough time and don’t want to bother your friends at random hours of the day. I leave one of my close friends voice messages whenever I feel like I just need to talk or share and get something off my chest. It is really helpful to me and she can listen to it when she gets a minute.

(I should probably go to therapy, which I’m totally open to but haven’t looked into yet. )

2. Pray. This is always the best go-to idea to have peace in my heart. I read a quote this week that said “Prayer is the different between panic and peace.”

3. Accept that it sucks. A few times I’ve just let myself be sad. When I think about it during a run I feel like I’m about to hyperventilate because I start breathing quickly so that’s not a great idea. Instead I’ve let myself just think about it at home alone and just process what’s happening right now in my world.

I listened to a lecture by Taryn Toomey about letting go of anything that is holding you down or holding you back from living. It was oddly emotional. I am just holding onto a lot of stuff, but it felt good to just kind of acknowledge it and let it go. (I looked for the lecture, but I can’t link to it since it’s a lecture from my Nutrition Certification class and not open to share.)

4. Seek out positive articles, quotes, lectures… everyone goes through stuff and some people are very good at sharing how they got through it. It’s helpful to hear that I’m not tragic or weak or a lost cause. I read a few articles on Psychology Today that were helpful. I read something that reminded me I’ve been through other challenging times and gotten through them.

how i deal


Positive Thinking Meditation Video

35 Positive Affirmations

Coping with Stress after a Break-Up < – this has some great affirmations


5. Run! This is my favorite thing to do (well besides eating). I had a great 8 miler this morning.

fit friday (450x800)

Post run I used the stick to roll out a tight area in my baby cow. I saw a marathon movie one time where someone would dig a frozen butter knife into a certain muscle in their leg to massage it or something, I feel like I want to try that (and I also feel like that scares me).

roll time (450x800)

And I have no idea what happened last night, but my plants looked like this:

before picture (800x450)

I woke up to them looking like this:

what happened last night (800x450)

My one new friend that has replaced SR and lives in Orange County too said it didn’t rain at her house. I think a cloud just exploded over my place last night!!

Question: Do you know how to hula hoop?

The post How I’m Dealing appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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