30 March 2017

10 Things I’m Addicted To…

1. Running.

No surprises there. I am happily addicted to running.

run done (800x600)

8 mile run 1 (460x613)

Check out this white bird I saw on my run this morning! Hi, friend!! I like random ‘seen on my run’ stuff.

white bird (460x613)

2. Being messy – can I be addicted to that?

I’m too much of a mess to worry if that’s not a real addiction. But I did go through my mail while eating breakfast so I have that going for me.

chair hanger (800x600)

green smoothie and mail (800x600)

3. Popcorn.

If a store sells popcorn I am buying it. I don’t care where I am or if I just ate or the fact that there’s a pile of fallen popcorn under the seat of my car – I need it.

addicted to popcorn (460x613)

4. Cats and puppies.

Anyone else get caught in 22 hours of looking at cute cat videos? I also thought up a name for my next dog today so I’m pretty excited about that.

vegas sleeping (460x613)

5. Dark Chocolate.

addicted to chocolate (800x600)

6. Watermelon.

Watermelon is my favorite favorite food.

But watermelon pop-tarts are not anyone’s favorite as I saw these on clearance at the store…

watermelon poptarts (460x613)

7. Seltzer.

The lady in front of me at the grocery store said something about how much seltzer I was buying and kinda laughed. I think she realized I have a problem. Ha! I just said “I love it!” since I didn’t hear her.

Now that I’m thinking about it… I hope she didn’t say something sad and I responded with “I LOVE IT!”

addicted to seltzer (800x600)

8. Spark.

My favorite flavor varies from week to week right now it’s Fruit Punch, Green Apple, Mango Strawberry in that order.

addicted to spark (496x662)

9. Seasonal treats!

Reese’s Puffs cereal! Have you spotted this limited time cereal at your grocery store?!

spring reeses cereal (460x613)

10. Anything on sale or clearance. Anything.

I saw this ladder bookshelf at Target and was 100% going to buy it but I only had one of those arm basket things and didn’t want to drag it to the front of the store.

addicted to clearance target (460x613)

Question: What are you addicted to this week?

The post 10 Things I’m Addicted To… appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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