23 March 2017

How to Make Hard Taco Shells in the Microwave

Hi! A while back I saw something on The Kitchen (I think) that showed ya how to make hard taco shells in the microwave. WHAT?! I was so excited. I immediately grabbed my corn tortillas (that kind of sounds like I’m grabbing a random body part I call my ‘corn tortillas’ but I don’t think I have anything like that on my person)… anyway – I tried to make hard taco shells in the microwave.

Hard Taco Shells in microwave (1)


The Kitchen version said to use a mug. Place one corn tortilla inside a mug. Microwave it for a minute. Done. You’ve got a hard taco shell!

But that didn’t work for me. I tried it several times and the tortilla kept collapsing on itself.

So, after some trial and error and many many many collapsed, burnt, soggy taco shells (that were eaten anyway while standing in the kitchen frustrated) I finally have it figured out for my microwave.

The cook time for the hard shells from the Kitchen was way off from my microwave – it takes about 2 minutes for me. But if you do it too long they can burn. I kind of like them a little burnt so I don’t mind that. Just keep an eye on them and use these times as estimates.

Watch your shell the first few times to figure out how long you need to cook em. Luckily, corn tortillas come in a pack of 800 so you have plenty to practice with…

how to make hard taco shell in microwave

Side note: Check out this grocery haul from the 99 cent store. I really can get some good healthy food from there (and the occasional fun sized Reese’s PB cup pack of 8!).

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In other very important food and fitness news…

I got a Fitbit Surge from the company in a swag bag at the LA Marathon! I’m excited since I want to get back to walking more. I really think walking is the best weight loss exercise. When I first was trying to lose weight I started taking daily walks. And it just helps with stress and anxiety. I feel so much better after nice lil walk. I want to get in 10,000 steps a day everyday till the end of the year.

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Today I did a short run and the Abs Fix from Beachbody on Demand. Then, I made a protein shake and ate it on the way to Bible Study.

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When I got back I snacked on fruit while looking for snack.

Yes, you read that right.

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My throat has been itchy the last few days. I don’t feel like I’m getting sick – I think it just might be because it’s super dry? Or maybe it’s allergies?? I don’t know. I think it just needs to be hydrated with some Sangria. I still haven’t had a drink since the 10 day challenge but plan on fixing that tonight.

Question: TACOS – Hard or Soft shell?

I usually go for soft because I like street tacos, but I am really loving these hard shells.

The post How to Make Hard Taco Shells in the Microwave appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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