28 March 2017

5 Tips to RUN Faster, Happier and Healthier this Spring

Run faster, healthier and have more fun this Spring with these running tips. This post is in partnership with FLONASE® SENSIMIST™ allergy relief.

Hi! It’s Spring over here in California! Is the weather Spring-y where you are? Hopefully Spring temperatures and flowers are popping up all over the place and you can enjoy running outside. But with every new season comes a few new opportunities to tweak your running to get better. And sometimes season changes bring new challenges. So today I’m sharing 5 tips to help you to have the BEST Spring Running Season of your life!

tips to run faster happier and healthier Spring

But first –  I wanted to share a little from from my day after the PCRF Half Marathon.

I went to hang out with my niece and was played a ton of different games including: hide-n-seek, building dirt castles, ‘cheers’, taco stand and more. I love it.

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And this morning I was craving a donut like a crazy person.

As soon as I woke up I changed, grabbed my keys and hit up a donut shop down the street.

Fresh donuts are EVERYTHING. The other day I was talking to a friend and asked if they needed anything. He said, “A dozen old fashioned donuts.”

I said, “I totally would but they’re not fresh right now. It wouldn’t be worth it.” I think that’s part of what got it in my head. (That, and I’m always thinking about donuts.)

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Unfortunately, I just wanted a OG fluffy glazed donut – but they forgot that one! FAIL. Oh well, guess I have to go back again soon…

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5 Tips to RUN Faster, Happier and Healthier this Spring

1. Check the time of sunrise and sunset.

With the recent time change the days seem longer because it stays light later. I love that for taking a walk after work!

But it is also dark when I wake up and the sun seems to rise a little later in the morning. Because I have a flexible schedule right now I wait until the sun is up to run most days. But if you need to stick with a certain morning schedule you might suddenly be  running when it’s dark in the morning.

Even if you’re not scared of the dark (like I am) you should make extra cautious about your safety. Make sure you are dressed in bright, reflective gear. Wear a light or reflective vest. Run in safe areas that are well lit. Be mindful of your surroundings.



2. Switch up your running clothes.

The temperatures are rising and it’s time to update your running wardrobe – or at least pull your Spring running gear out of storage. Wearing too much or too little can hinder you from running your best. This isn’t about fashion, it’s about function. Dress for the weather and your workout so you are comfortable and can concentrate on running – not your clothes.

You might have to switch it up day to day. Dress in layers. If there is a slight chill but it’s not very cold focus on covering your hands and ears.

*Everyone is different so take note of the temperature during your run and if you felt cold / hot / just right in your Running Log. Long term you should know what you like to wear in 50 degrees versus 99 degrees and everything in between..

Keep in mind:

– The weather: temperature, rain, snow, fog, sun… and that Spring weather can change from week to week as the season transitions.

– How much you’re running – distance, speed, time

– Time of day – do you need reflective gear or lights

– Your body’s needs – do you get hot fast? tend to freeze even in 70 degrees?

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3. Check in with your goals for the year.

We’re about 4 months into 2017 – how are your running goals coming along? Did you set a running related New Year’s Resolution?

> If you wanted to sign up for a particular race or run a certain distance – go for it NOW. You need 12 to 18 weeks to train for a half marathon – don’t wait. Pick a race and a training plan and get on it.

> If you haven’t set a running or fitness goal for this year –> set one.

The time is going to pass anyway, you’re going to be running or working out either way – make it more fun, challenging and rewarding by setting a goal that will make you proud. It can be anything from running a race you do every year – faster this year to running a certain number of miles next month.

Go Go Gooooooo!!

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4. Put a Spring in your step with new music!

The warmer weather, pretty flowers and a little running gear… it’s a recipe for a great mood and great runs. Take it up a notch by adding some new fun music to your running playlist. (Check out my latest running playlist here.)

Already added new music?

Change up your running and keep it fun and fresh by:

changing your running route – it can be as simple as running your usual route backwards (don’t run backwards, run your route in the opposite direction)

add in new cross-training – yoga, strength training, zumba, karate… try something new

consider joining a running group or meet-up – some groups that take a break during the winter are starting back up. check ‘em out

This helps keep it fun and keeps your body from ‘getting used to your workouts’ so you continue to make improvements.

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5. Don’t let anything – even allergies stop you.

This winter was the wettest, rainiest winter of my entire life. I can’t believe how much it rained in Southern California!! I’m happy the drought is slowly going away and I’m happy the grass is so green and the running paths in Orange County are lined with flowers. But this new, lush environment is disbursing a ton of pollen.

A few weeks ago I was running along and thought it looked like someone was throwing confetti from a tree…. what? I was so confused. Turns out it was big ol’ pollen and flower puffs floating through the air. That’s happened a lot now! I’ve noticed my throat get itchy after a run on a windy day.

Running is hard enough – but if you have allergies and are trying to run you might need some back-up.

That’s where FLONASE® SENSIMIST allergy relief can help. It temporarily relieves the symptoms of hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies like nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose, itchy and watery eyes. (The regular one is for ages 12 and up, there is also a children’s version.)

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FLONASE® SENSIMIST allergy relief can help relieve dust allergies, pet allergies and outdoor allergies. I am just in ‘stop and smell the flowers’ mode, but you can check it out for those issues too.


Fun fact:  76% of the U.S. population lives within a 5 mile radius of a CVS Pharmacy so it’s so convenient to swing by and pick up Sensimist spray while you are grabbing your prescription or other essentials. Easy peasy!

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Question: Where are you and how’s the weather there?

Me: Orange County. Right now it’s 55.

Disclosure: I’m proud to be working with CVS Pharmacy to help spread the word about how to #BeGreater with #SensimistAtCVS. All opinions are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at CVS.com or with the appropriate manufacturers.

The post 5 Tips to RUN Faster, Happier and Healthier this Spring appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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