15 March 2017

What I’m Eating–LA Marathon Week & Clean Eating Challenge Check In

This is a good time to get back to food blogging and sharing “What I’m Eating” since I’m training for a marathon and have the LA Marathon this weekend. That means I am aiming to eat clean but also need to make sure I’m eating enough to fuel me to run strong.

Every body and every runner and everyone’s needs are different so make sure you’re doing what’s best for you. You don’t have to do a 10 day cleanse to eat healthy, but I needed a little push and accountability to get back on track. Having the probiotics in the morning and at night are a twice daily reminder that I’m doing things a little differently right now.

10 day cleanse what I'm eating

Here’s what I’m eating (or really what I ate yesterday)…

Pre-run:  I had toast with TJ’s new Mixed Nut Butter (that I love).

Post-run: Green smoothie with apples and almond slivers

Then I headed to my parents’ house to work there for the day.

Snacks: I saw one of the bananas fall from the holder out of the corner of my eye and had to have it as a snack.

Snackssss: I also have some Skinny Pop popcorn. This was a good snack choice considering I usually eat 88 bowls of cereal when I’m there.

Bonus: Fruit Punch Spark with Clyde photo-bomb. He’s the best.

Lunch: I didn’t take a picture of lunch but it was a snack plate of grilled chicken, beans and rice. My parents’ BBQ-ed the day before and had leftovers.

Dinner – Salad with more of the BBQ-ed chicken and random other things I found in the fridge.

Dessert – Chocolate Chia pudding I scored at the 99 cent store. It is AMAZING.

marathon gear checklist 6 (460x613)

It was a great day to visit and a great day of eats!

Now I’m doing a major Operation: Spring Cleaning right now and need to get back to that!! Can someone please help me get organized?? Thanks.

PCRF Half Marathon / 10K / 5K Race Discount Code

Oh, and I wanted to share a discount code for the PCRF Half Marathon / 10k / 5k race coming up next weekend!

Get 15% off with code: RUNEATREPEAT

Reaching for the Cure Half Marathon


Question: Are you eating clean / dirty / semi-clean / straight up Doritos dipped in chocolate sauce / other?

The post What I’m Eating–LA Marathon Week & Clean Eating Challenge Check In appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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