31 March 2017

Do you know what Gokay is?

Hi! How’s it going? Over here it’s going gokay. Is that a thing? I vote that it’s a real thing now.

Gokay =  good + okay

This just occurred to me because I was about to say things are ‘good!’ but really they’re not. Things are okay but I’m optimistic they’re going to be good again so I’m going with gokay. I dig it! I’m going to make gokay happen.

make fetch happen

I’ll let you know if gokay happens and I’ll also let ya know what else is up in RER-land BTS as we go along.

I was on a mission to get out of the house and do something fun yesterday. So it was perfect timing that a friend invited me to meet up at a chocolate bar. Seriously, I couldn’t turn that down.

I got my greasy bangs in the car and headed to the cute lil chocolate shop.

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Dark chocolate truffle for me. Dark chocolate has anti-oxidants so it’s basically a vitamin, right?

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I might not always stop to smell the flowers but I do stop to take pictures of them sometimes.

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This morning I had an easy 6 miler with the sunrise. It was a super gorgeous time with the sun starting to peek through the trees. Love.

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Then, I did the BeachBody dirty 30 workout while watching that new Bravo show Sweet Home Oklahoma or something like that – I don’t even know. I just put it on because there was nothing else on – but randomly started laughing during one part where one of the ladies realizes her kids changed Siri to call her Butt-Liquor.

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I really needed a laugh so I just enjoyed it and laughed instead of doing whatever move was happening with 21 day fix.

Laughing burns calories, right?

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I made my usual green smoothie for breakfast and ate it while sitting on the floor. I was going to watch TV while eating but was almost done when I realized – I never turned it back on after my workout. I just sat there deep in thought the whole time on the floor. What a weirdo!!

Let me tell ya a little secret life hack – I open up popcorn from the bottom sometimes because I figure the salt falls to the bottom and I think this might help disburse it. Boom.

My 2nd life hack is to always mix Spark in a shaker bottle and not stir it to get the back mix-up.

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I also have a new awesome green smoothie recipe coming soon!! Stay tuned for that.

Runner Spotlight:

A reader reached out about her friend’s new race website that is like Trip Advisor for races – Race Advisors.

The purpose of Race Advisors is to provide race participants with a one-stop-shop for race information. Whether it is attempting to find a specific distance or a specific location, Race Advisors will help you find a race that fits what you’re looking for.

Many races cost a pretty penny these days, so rather than gamble on a race that you don’t know about, you can read reviews from past participants to determine if a race will have solid value for you. You can search according to your home town or a specific destination. And, since many runners also participate in other competitive activities, Race Advisors provides information on cycling, swimming, triathlon, duathlon, and paddle races as well.

Question: Should I stop trying to make Gokay happen?

The post Do you know what Gokay is? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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