8 March 2017

Clean Eating Challenge For Messy People

Hi! I’m bad at eating clean, being clean, cleaning… etc. But I want to get it together and eat healthier. So I’m doing a 10 day cleanse to help me reset my bad habits back to good ones. My friend Chandra is doing it with me and we’re sending each other pictures of our food to help us stay on track. She is better than me so it’s definitely going to help keep me accountable.

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I started my day with a banana and PB. I woke up hungry and had this with coffee before my run.

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Oh and – I had HOT coffee. That means it was COLD. I 100% prefer iced coffee, but like to drink hot when I’m at a restaurant (because they’re always so cold!) or when it’s super cold and I need to warm up.

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Run… I did a slow 9 miles and then a BeachBody on Demand workout from 21 Day Fix.

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Post-run I had a green protein shake with nuts and apples for crunch.

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Lunch was a random mix of things I was craving… eggs because I wanted something with protein, carrots with hummus and 2 corn tortillas.

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Back in the day I used to take pictures of my food every meal and never forgot – well, Chandra and I both missed some food pics today. Major food blog fail.

Sometime in the afternoon I had almonds, grapes and an orange.

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Dinner was a salad with a chicken patty on the side (frozen from Costco). I ate a bunch of roasted broccoli while putting it together too.

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I hit up Trader Joe’s yesterday and finally got the new Mixed Nut Butter. I had a piece of toast with it for a nighttime snack.

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And I think this pretty much sums up my life and why I can’t eat clean…

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My goal with the ‘cleanse’ is not to limit calories, but limit crap. Basically, it’s a crap cleanse. I am all about ‘treat yo self’! But that has gotten a little out of control lately (see: eating half a dozen donuts on Valentine’s Day and/or 4 cupcakes this weekend).

You can go on a “healthy eating challenge” without it being a diet.  The key is to focus on eating whole foods and not junk food. Get unhealthy food out of your house. Plan your meals – a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Have healthy options in the house. It doesn’t have to be restrictive. Make sure you’re getting enough calories – but they’re calories from good you like AND that’s good for you.

Bonus – ask a friend if they want to eat clean for a week with you. Then, agree when you’re going to start and how to keep each other on track.

Healthy Eating Challenge day 1 (3)

Chandra and I are using What’s App to send pics of our food and leave voice messages with how it’s going. We’re both using the herbal cleanse pack and focusing on eating healthy, whole foods for 10 days. I think it helps because I am reminded 3 times a day that I’m trying to be healthier (you take a supplement in the morning and at night plus a fiber pack).

You can do a healthy eating challenge by cutting out added sugar, alcohol and other un-healthy food for a week or two. Find someone to keep ya accountable. Treat yo self healthy.


Question: On a scale of 1 to 10 – how healthy are you eating today?

1 = had Cheetos for breakfast, 8 Taco Bell Chalupas for lunch, 2 donuts as a mid-day snack…

10 = had an organic kale smoothie for breakfast, non-gmo chickpea salad for lunch, 12 almonds as a mid-day snack…

The post Clean Eating Challenge For Messy People appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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