27 March 2017

13.1 Miles, Facts and Fun from the PCRF Half Marathon

1. The PCRF = Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. The PCRF Half Marathon / 10k / 5k and bike tour was this weekend in Irvine, CA. If you want information on the foundation or to donate to help fight Pediatric Cancer check it out here.


2. The weather was perfect for running and/or eating. I picked up my bib and race packet Saturday right before they closed (around 2pm) it was empty but every registration station was still stacked with volunteers so I was in and out in 5 minutes.

The race is well organized and on time (even though I’m not).

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3. The race tees are great! They are long sleeve wick-wear. I usually get tees in a size that will fit my mom or Matt or Vegas, depending on who’s my favorite person of the day. This is one I would want to keep though.

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4. There was also a flyer for the DONUT RUN! It’s a race in May in Irvine and I don’t know anything about it except that I feel like I should 100% run it. The slogan is – Run for Donuts! Hello, I already do.

great donut run


5. I kept it super chill on Saturday night. Vegas and I watched old episodes of Broad City and ate cereal and drank tea.

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6. I woke up bright and early with plenty of time to get ready and get to the race on time.

But I distracted myself with texting, Instagram, selfies… and I was late.


7. I love stripes. I doubled up on them with my stripe-y running tank and ProCompression stripe socks. All I need is some striped running shorts and I’ll be stripe-tacular.

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8. I would have been on time but for some reason went down the wrong street on the way to the race.

Note: I went there the day before to get my race bib AND took classes at the community college where the race started.

I might need to get my head checked out.


I was late. Late to the point that the next race was all lined up and I walked through the crowd to the front and asked someone “Did the half marathon start already?” and pointed to my bib… He said yes and lifted the rope that was in front of the start line for me to duck under and I started running all by myself – very embarrassing.

Classic Monican.


9. The course is just 13.1 miles around Irvine but there was a few parts along the bike/running path that are GORGEOUS. It was so green and there were spots lined with pretty yellow flowers. I run in Irvine a lot, but always in the same areas – I need to go back there!!

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10. I finished the PCRF Half Marathon in 1:47:43.

(For comparison – I ran the Redlands Half Marathon a few weeks ago in 1:44:18 and it was VERY HILLY)

I felt okay the first few miles, but not great. I started to hit a wall around mile 9 and just felt heavy and slow. That is totally to be expected considering 1 week ago I was running the LA Marathon. I’ll take it.

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11. The post-race festival is great! It’s an event for everyone – families, runners, kids, runner kids and their families…

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I stopped at the Suja booth for a juice. They are so good!

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And a cookie to balance it out…

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Along the course I saw Nat ( Nwinloves2run ) and ran a little bit with her. After the race I caught up with Pam ( PammyRuns ) , Sandy  ( BostonBoundBrunette ) and Kat ( SmushTush ). I do really love seeing familiar faces at races. It makes it 88% more fun to run or at least go to a race with a friend.

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12. I did the scariest thing of my life.

This is probably a very pivotal moment in the Book of Monican so I want to give myself a little pat on the butt back…

First, let’s remember that I am scared.

Yeah, just scared – in general, about everything, all the time.

I’m trying to Be Brave – that is my life AND running mantra right now.

So, when I was faced with a scary situation today I decided to be brave and just go for it.

As I was walking around the festival I saw a girl with a huge snake around her shoulders. A few people had just been talking to her about him and were walking away. I went up and asked questions, the first being, “Does he bite???!!!??”

She said, “He’s like any other animal – he only bites if he’s hungry or scared. Right now he’s fine….”

Since I was on a mission to hold him I just asked his name (Britney) and then immediately asked if I could hold him.

In hindsight I should have probably gotten a few more facts like – “how do you know if he’s scared or not?!?! Are you sure he’s not hungry?? I’m hungry a lot. Maybe he would like a lil snack just to make sure his blood sugar is stable first…”

But nope, I just went for it and she immediately picked Britney off her shoulders and placed him on mine. I cannot believe I did this…

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13. After the race I went home to rehydrate – literally with Rehydrate and refuel – with food. Should I call it refood?

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I headed to my brother’s to hang out with my family and tell them I survived a snake situation.

He lives inland toward Palm Springs and the mountains are always so gorgeous out there.

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I also stopped for a level 9 hunger emergency in which I was a little scared I was going to freak out if I showed up at their house and there wasn’t food.

I got a Subway chicken salad with a side of tuna. What a weirdo. I know. I wanted the tuna on the salad but my Subway salad maker friend put it on the side because it counts as a side? Either way it works.

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.1 Here’s a breakdown of what I wore to the PCRF Half Marathon…

what i wore running gear pcrf half marathon

What I wore for the Half Marathon:

New Balance running tank (NB Striped Tank  similar)

Danskin Now sports bra

Xersion running shorts (Brooks Running shorts / RoadRunner Sports shorts similar)

ProCompression socks (Use code B17 for 40% off Boston Marathon socks)

Brooks running shoes

Running Watch

Stay Fit Running Belt ( 25% off with discount code: REPEAT )


Question: Would you hold a snake?

Do you think I’m going to get salmonella since I held a snake and then ate random snacks in my car on the way home from the race??

The post 13.1 Miles, Facts and Fun from the PCRF Half Marathon appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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