7 March 2017

The Best and Worst Food, Fun and other…

Hi! How’s it going? I feel like I haven’t been doing life updates lately. I’ve been busy with other projects that are taking priority – but we all know this is the most fun part of social media, right? Just checking in and saying ‘Hi’ and feeling like we’re hanging out without actually having to worry about that food stain on your shirt. (I know a few of you looked down to check.)

Anyway. Here are my best and worst life/food/other choices from the last few days…

Best – making funfetti cupakes for Heathie’s birthday.

cupcakes blog (800x600) favorite person blog 1 (460x613)

Best best best. Hanging out with my favorite tiny person who put on her princess dress for the occasion. I cannot even handle how cute she is. She turned me into a rabbit at one point because she found a magic wand to go with her ensemble.

favorite person blog 3 (460x613)

Worst – eating an orange before doing my BeachBody on Demand workout because my hands and face were all sticky and now my weights are too. Oh well. It was a really good orange.

oranges and cat (460x613)

Best – Taking cover in the playhouse when it started to sprinkle, but still continuing to play ‘catch’ with Lola.

cupcakes blog 1 (460x613) cupcakes blog 2 (800x600)

Worst. Spilling my Spark!! Noooooo. This stuff is like gold to me – I carefully brushed it into the cup. Whew! That was close.

spilling spark (460x613)

Best. Getting this Shamrocks tee from Target. I love it.

redhead and shamrocks (460x613)

Worst. Accidently buying a cat instead of Mahi-Mahi….

cat in box (460x613)

Best – Scoring this Sorbet Vodka on clearance. Boom. It’s a little rough, but you can drink this stuff straight up over ice. No mixers to get in the way.

smirnoff sorbet (460x613)

Worst. See: Everything I just said above.

Best: Eating a flower! I think it was kind of brave. But I was drinking so that probably helped. Either way – I did it. Peer pressure is a b.

ate a flower (460x613)

Worst: Buying QuestBars one at a time instead of a whole case. They are pricey and it’s just worth it to buy a box.

blueberry muffin quest bar (800x600)

Best: Buying this wedge pillow for my legs. Ahhhhh!

I am full on such a nerd. I sleep on my back and usually use a pillow under my legs. I saw this on Groupon the other day and could not get the idea out of my head. I ended up finding the same pillow wedge on Amazon cheaper and with free shipping. Boom. It’s kind of an old lady / weirdo / I don’t know thing but I love it.

cat and wedge pillow (800x600)


cat and wedge pillow 3 (800x600)

Un-pictured best / worst of the day? Probably all the pizza and ice cream I ate today. It’s the best! And the worst. Oh well.

(2nd) Best – I woke up super hungry this morning. I grabbed a banana and PB while making coffee. This is the 2nd best lil morning snack after almond butter and banana. (I’m doing a mini-cleanse tomorrow. It’s the first 10 days of the 24 day challenge. I just want to get back on track and need something that makes me snap out of all the sugar frenzy and feel like I’m making healthy changes.)

pb and banana (460x613)

Question: Good – Meh – Bad –> How was our day of food / life / other?

The post The Best and Worst Food, Fun and other… appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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