24 March 2017

The BEST Running Power Song

Hi! Today’s Hyland’s Team Challenge  is to share my power running song. I was excited about this because I just updated my running playlist recently and have a lot of new (to me) songs. Basically they’re old songs I came across while randomly looking for music and realized, “I love this song! What is it? I’m adding it…”

Seriously, I hadn’t heard the entire song “Hotel California” until a few weeks ago. How is that possible?!

Side note: Listening to this song right now, not running – it makes me sad? I am weird with music. All slow songs make me feel weird and sad. Someone analyze that. Thanks.


I have an updated running playlist I recently used for the Surf City Marathon and LA Marathon.

Fun fact: I don’t turn on my music in a full marathon until somewhere between mile 10 and 16 depending on how I feel. I use it as a bribe or distraction – “you can turn on your music in 4 miles…”. It makes me look forward to that point in the race and then distracts me for a little bit when I finally turn it on.

I try to ‘save’ my ‘pump you up’ music for when I need it. So, I’ll listen to podcasts, books or other songs when I’m just running randomly. Today I listened to a podcast and some of Andy Cohen’s new book Superficial.

running songs

I thought having this new playlist that I really love would give me a ton of ideas on the BEST power song. And yeah – it does! But it’s hard to pick one.

running playlist spring 2017


best running song

My Running Power Song!

Okay after looking at my current list I realize it really depends on my mood. Sometimes I’ll listen to Bedrock 6 times in a row. Don’t judge.

When I first put Drive By on my playlist I listened to it for 4 miles on repeat.

Today my favorite song is Closer by The Chainsmokers. I feel like I already said this was my favorite a while back? Well, I’m loyal and it’s still the top pick right now.

Tomorrow it’ll probably be something by Britney because I can’t believe it took me so long to add her stuff to my music!

So… this post is one of the questions the Hyland’s Boston Marathon team is answering. Since we’re celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon and have an all female girl power team I want to remind you about something…

Today is the last day to sign up for the Team Sparkle 5k. It’s a fundraiser that benefits fighting a horrible disease that only effects girls.

team sparkle 5k 1

Today is the LAST DAY to sign up for the Team Sparkle Virtual 5K.

Team Sparkle Virtual 5K for Rett Syndrome

When – anytime you want

Where – anywhere you want

How – Sign up for $35 here

What – You get a bib and medal AND all the profits go to support

Why? Rett Syndrome is a horrible disease that traps close to half a million girls in their bodies leaving them unable to speak, walk or even use their hands. Team Sparkle is running to raise funds that will go to research finding a cure.

Sign up here, do the 5K whenever you have time and share your pictures with me or on Instagram with #TeamRER and #TeamSparkle !!

Question: What’s your power song?

The post The BEST Running Power Song appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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