1 September 2015

High Protein Almond Butter Review

Hello! Today I have a fun fit food review for high protein almond butter. But first, let’s talk about running working out…

hi protein almond butter review (410x500)

I joined a gym again last week!

I really need to change up my workouts to avoid injury and make sure I’m a more well rounded athlete. If I don’t have a yoga or fitness class specifically planned I end up running more often than I should. So, this is a great way to make sure I’m changing it up with classes. I did a strength class this morning. We’ll see if I’m sore tomorrow! (That’s what I’m hoping for Winking smile)

I realized I really missed workout classes and strength work – I was smiling most of the class like a super nerd. Ha! Anyway, I’m looking forward to hitting the gym 2 days a week from now until I die give up on myself.

vegas and me after gym (450x800)

Now I’m sipping Spark and talking to you nice people. Fruit punch flavor is my favorite Spark  but I really like them all.

fruit punch spark drink (450x800)

Fit Food Review – High Protein Almond Butter

Question: What’s your favorite nut butter this week?

The post High Protein Almond Butter Review appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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